Patrick Mabilog
What does the Bible tell us about curses?
All Christians get excited about talking about the blessing, prosperity and goodness of God, but not everyone finds it in them to talk about the curses. One thing is for sure: God never withheld from talking about curses.
How am I to respond to a message of the second coming?
More often than not, the message is not in the subject but in the way it is said, and often the topic of the second coming brings about a certain fear of the return of Jesus Christ.
Godly finance: 5 principles to master before you reach your 30s
A healthy and balanced view of money undoubtedly plays a major role in the development of holistic and healthy believers. That's because money is important.
Mustard seed faith: How big should faith be in order to be effective?
How big should our faith have to be to be effective enough to see results? Is faith quantifiable in the sense that we can take it all together and sum it up and see if we have enough of it to see breakthroughs come to pass?
What my 3-year-old daughter has taught me about God's grace
After all the things I've done wrong, I don't deserve my daughter. But one thing is clear: Even when we fail as parents, He never does.
4 problems church volunteers struggle with
One of the biggest misconceptions that many churches have about the ministry is that only full-time, vocational ministers are called by God into ministry. In fact, there is a very strong emphasis on volunteer and lay leaders that helps strengthen and conduct church affairs.
4 skills every leader should master
Growing in leadership is almost completely dependent on growing in learning. If you want to be a good leader, you have to be ready at all times to be a faithful learner.
Dealing with legalistic Christians
Facing and interacting with legalistic believers can be a daunting challenge. More often than we'd like, their ideas, thoughts and speech can become more of a burden than a blessing.
4 things fathers should constantly tell their daughters
The words of affirmation that a father gives to her daughter mean more than we will ever know. The Bible emphasizes the power behind words.
4 modern-day applications of the lessons from Leviticus
Leviticus is a record of God's instructions to Moses and Israel after His presence fell upon the nation. They are lessons on sacrifice, worship, the priesthood, ceremonial cleanness, the Day of Atonement, feasts and holy days and the Year of Jubilee. But how do these apply to us today?
5 ways leaders can fix disunity
Leaders have the important role of being keepers of unity in organizations and communities. When quarrels and strife erupt in our groups, we find that it is the leaders that must step up to bring unity back to the team.
God has an answer for spiritual and physical fatigue
Have you ever felt so tired from all the pressures of life and work and that no matter how many times you take a day off or go on a vacation, the passion just never comes back? A lot of professionals have succumbed to the lack of passion for what they do even though it was once there.