Patrick Mabilog
Raising kids as God intended: 3 conversations to have with your 3-year-old
Parents often think that communicating with a toddler is not at all necessary, but nothing could be farther from the truth. The years that your children are toddlers are the times that many habits and mindsets are formed.
Work is a blessing? How to get more satisfaction from your 9-5
Our jobs are blessings from God -- an extension of His grace. It may sound far-fetched, but did you know that Jesus died on a cross so that you would be free from the staleness of a purposeless work life?
I Looked At My Past & Realized It Was God Who Blessed Me & Kept Me
Everyone wants to live a blessed life, but we often find ourselves confusing the blessed life with a life of financial abundance, having all of the cars, jewelry, gadgets or branded clothes we want. Jesus defines the blessed life in a whole different way and enables us to live this radically different blessed life that the world has so easily forgotten.
Godly parenting: Why playing favorites is the sure-fire way to ruin a household
It is never God's intention for parents to play favourites. He shows this by avoiding favoritism Himself, even to the point of giving up His very own son, Jesus Christ, to die for a race that never deserved mercy and grace from the beginning.
4 things that will happen after the elections
The elections are fast approaching and everyone is eager to know who will be elected to the highest seats in the land. But could it be possible that too much of our hope is on earthly leaders, and should we start hoping a little bit more for the finished work of Jesus Christ?
'Get behind me, Satan!': Why Jesus could be offensive and get away with it
Jesus was offensive on many occasions, but how come it didn't have the effect of losing people?
Putting God first: 5 modern-day idols we're in danger of letting take over our lives
Idolatry looks completely different today from what it once was. Whereas there was a time when idols were inanimate figures and statues, today they can come in various forms. Idolatry is an issue of the heart and can thus only be broken by a transformation of the heart.
The one foolproof way to see transformation in your kids
Parents are faced with a long-standing challenge of defiance, disrespect and disregard for rules with their children. In our own attempts to change them, many find themselves failing.
Helping your spouse fight burnout at work
Career burnout can lead to a significant amount of stress at home and in our marriages. As husbands and wives to those who are experiencing burnout at work, we are to see ourselves as God's channel of love and grace by being Jesus exemplified to our spouses.
If God really made man good, why did we fall into sin?
Genesis 1:31 tells us, "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." So if He made everything -- including being good -- why did Adam and Eve fall into sin? Did God really create us to be good or to be sinful?
Does the Bible really teach that women are inferior to men?
God made men and women to play different roles, but did He make the role of women inferior to that of men? We can see in the way that Jesus Christ treats His bride -- the church -- that there are many reasons to believe that God is not a misogynist creator, but one who created men and women equal.
3 things new parents dread that aren't as bad as they think
I find it hard listening to new parents who complain about having newborns, especially when they highlight the exhaustion and burnout they experience in rearing their babies during their first few months.