Patrick Mabilog
3 lessons parents can learn from Noah
God's Word provides many instructions and principles that teach us about God's heart as a Father and how we can catch His heart as well.
Marriage advice: 4 things you can say to uplift your spouse
Marriage can seem like a lot of work because even the little things that we do can have the biggest effects. The seemingly insignificant mistakes, events and even words can have the biggest impacts.
Can I ever be too inferior for God to use me?
You may be surprised to know that God doesn't always use the seemingly "heroic" men and women to perform feats and miracles.
Why God didn't call the second day of creation 'good'
Looking at all the other days of creation, God ended each by calling all He had made good. But on the second day why was this declaration missing?
When spiritual gifts become a stumbling block
God has infilled us with His Spirit and enabled us with gifts to carry out His will for our lives. We receive these gifts as a means to build up others and ourselves. But did you know that spiritual gifts can be a stumbling block as well?
Should I study the Bible in original Hebrew and Greek?
Many people who move in the gifts of teaching, exhortation and knowledge love to read the Bible for all its worth and get excited about the careful study of the Bible in its original language. Should everyone follow and read the Bible the same way?
Signs and miracles can change lives but not if we are still indulging in these sinful behaviours
There is a school of thought going around the body of Christ today suggesting that seeing signs and wonders is a sure way of saving, converting and transforming the lives of skeptics and unbelievers. There is countless evidence, however, showing that miracles are not a surefire way to bring about change.
5 unhealthy ways we idolize our pastors
The biggest mistake when it comes to spotting idolatry is thinking that we cannot idolize good things. In fact, everything that man idolizes is something that is perceived to be good.
Filled with regret? Here are 8 scriptures to remind you it's not what God wants for you
Missed opportunities. We've all had our share at some point. Maybe it was a job opportunity, a ministry transition, a call to be generous to a building project or cause or a chance to pursue a romantic relationship.
Care groups and 3 other pitfalls to watch out for in discipleship
The results and methodologies of discipleship can differ from one ministry to another, but there are also some pitfalls that can be quite similar wherever you go. Here are four of the most common pitfalls of small group discipleship that many church leaders fall into.
How to respond to Bible skeptics who challenge our faith
It doesn't take much to encounter a Bible skeptic today. Although studies show that the atheist population of the world is only anywhere between 2 to 13 percent, the community seems to make a whole lot of noise for such a small group.
When the pursuit of holiness becomes legalism
When does our pursuit to live holy and obedient lives become a call for legalism and judgmental thinking?