Patrick Mabilog
Does God withhold blessing simply because we don't ask?
Does God truly withhold simply because we do not ask? Is a starving child deprived of a meal because he did not pray for one? Is prayer really necessary to receive the grace of God?
How the death and resurrection of Jesus negate all suffering
Every single human being that walks on earth knows what it's like to suffer. We all have suffered loss, pain, depression, hopelessness and lack. We are often left to wonder, "If God is a loving God, why is there so much suffering in this world?"
Is it ever right for Christians to be pessimists?
There's an ongoing debate now on social media about whether it's wrong or right for Christians to have a certain level of pessimistic thinking.
What to do when you feel like letting go of God's promise
Have you ever desired something so intensely, but God never let it come to pass? Maybe it was healing for a loved one who passed away anyways or provision for a loan payment and it never came so you lost your business.
Encouraging Scriptures for when you feel discontented with your job
Employees, businessmen, executives and creatives all have one thing in common -- they have all felt a certain level of discontentment in their lives. It doesn't matter how "enjoyable" a job may seem to someone. We all get tired of doing the same thing over and over again.
5 things pastors' kids struggle with
Being a pastor can be tough for many reasons. One of the more pressing causes of this difficulty would be the pressure that being in ministry brings to a minister's family -- more specifically to his or her kids.
Growing in rebuke: How to accept correction
Rebuke, reproof and correction are beautiful gifts from God that He dishes out to us through mentors, brothers, disciples and leaders.
Why does ministry have to be so hard?
Vocational ministry is filled with long working hours, messy relationships, financial burdens, spiritual warfare, leadership pressures, social pressures and so much more. The question that many vocational ministers have found themselves asking God is, "Lord, why must it be so hard to serve you?"
Vision isn't enough; here are other things you need to get where you want to go
The King James Version of Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Any company, organization or ministry would know just how important a vision is to growth and development.
Can someone's life ever be ordinary?
Almost anyone would know that to live life to the fullest, we must live in a way that pursues the extraordinary. The greatest dread for many is to live an ordinary, dull, boring and unfulfilling life.
How we get God's power in the wrong way and what we can do about it
Acts 1:8 promises us, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
We're all addicted to something, but how can we break its hold on us?
One of the biggest myths about addiction is that only addiction to bad substances can become hurtful to someone.