Patrick Mabilog
Are we just being lazy if we desire God's rest?
Since the beginning of time, God has made rest serious business. Unlike many cultures today that are work-centered, our God is a God who values the Sabbath intensely.
7 scriptures on God's miraculous healing
God has always been one to move in miraculous ways that defy reason and logic. He does this to show us that He is powerful and above every situation.
How to break a gossiping spirit
Gossip is a real threat to relationships. More relationships have been broken by the mistrust that negative gossip brings than misunderstandings and arguments.
Why does God give us problems that seem bigger than we think we can handle?
If you've been a Christian for a while now, you would know that it's a myth to believe that life's challenges drop to a minimum after we give our lives to Christ. That's because problems, trials and challenges will still be there and they will still be as overwhelming as before.
7 things that discipleship is not
One would be intrigued to know that the word discipleship never shows up in the Bible. However, the concept and practices will always point to the importance and centrality of doing ministry and life with discipleship in mind.
How should we respond to a decline in church attendance?
Studies show that attendance in a big majority of churches in America is declining. Millennials are leaving the church and the older generations who once valued God's Word are getting too weak to stay active.
5 good habits that will improve your Bible study
When there is no communication, a relationship could enter a stagnant state or even shrivel away. Every believer is called to grow in the area of spiritual devotional because this is our way of communicating with our God.
7 verses from the book of Psalms to remind us our true strength is from God
Have you ever felt like you were losing every ounce of strength in your body? Maybe it's because of the endless demands of work, a relationship that's falling apart or a sickness or circumstance that is eating up your health and wellness.
Dealing with church leaders who fall into moral failure
Media today is full of stories of ministers, worship leaders, pastors, Christian authors and evangelists who have fallen into moral failure which has left their ability to lead ministries in question.
Post-Easter reflections: How to live out the cross and resurrection of Jesus in our lives
As beautiful as it is to celebrate Jesus's victory on Calvary and out of the grave every Easter, to limit the good news that it bears to one out of 365 days in a year would be a complete waste.
How not to fall into the pit of burnout
Is there really a way out of the downward spiral of burnt-out living? We can be rest assured that nothing is impossible with God.
4 ways pastors can burden their flocks
A pastor's job is a noble call, but we cannot deny that there are some instances where pastors aren't perfect at what they do.