Patrick Mabilog
Christ-centered parenting: God fills the gaps we sinful parents can't
In His Word, God represents Himself as many things -- Protector, Potter, Jehovah, Provider, Healer and many others. But over and over again in scripture, God presents Himself as the Father.
How to be a blessing to your spouse even when you're 'busy'
We often find marriage getting pushed to the sidelines of life to give way to other responsibilities. But looking at the way God designed marriage and how Jesus exemplified it by being the bridegroom of the church, we see that that's just not the way God intended for things to happen.
5 verses that encourage us to beat anxiety
Anxiety can be very treacherous at times, but the Bible teaches us that the love and mercy of God become an assurance that our fears and worries stand nowhere close to the sovereignty and providence of the Father.
How the fear of man affects our relationships
Inside every person is a certain level of need to please as many people as possible, but God delights in those that seek first His favor and pleasure.
Does God really let natural calamities happen?
A hurricane killing thousands, a tsunami or earthquake destroying hundreds of acres of land and leaving people homeless and a tornado claiming the life of a father of seven -- could these events truly be acts of God?
The leadership pitfall: Pride and how to beat it
Jesus's example of leading by serving is crucial in every application of leadership because it is only in servant leadership that we avoid the greatest pitfall of leaders -- pride.
10 good signs your services are inviting to the unchurched
No matter what specific function your church plays -- whether it's the healing ministry, prayer ministry or worship ministry -- every congregation is called to a certain level of evangelism. A church is not a house for the healthy but for the sick.
Why do I still feel 'dead' after accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior?
The most glorious moment for every believer is the first time they enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ and surrender their life to His Lordship by proclaiming Him as their savior. But it can often feel like that life-altering "sinner's prayer" made no impact whatsoever in our lives.
Can a sin be worse than others?
On the topic of sin, most would agree that alls sins are equal in weight in the sense that they all offend God in equal magnitude and result to death. But are all sins really equal in weight, or do some sins weigh more than others?
Courageous Caitie: What this 3-year-old cancer victim taught me about who God can use to make history
Here's a story about a 3-year-old girl who changed the world by battling a rare disease and possessing the heart of a champion and how we can be used by God to make history.
How God's perfect love breaks fear and anxiety
Fear is today's most crippling disease. It disables not only bodies, but souls and spirits as well. And almost everyone knows what it's like to be sick with fear.
Think not what your spouse can do for you but what you can do for your spouse
Marriage is a wonderful experience. The union between man and woman is one of the most beautiful opportunities and extensions of God's grace, not because of the things that we get, but because of what we can give.