Patrick Mabilog
Does my sin affect my worship?
Worshiping God is never dependent on whether we are worthy to enter His presence or not because if it was we'd all be disqualified. It is rather an acknowledgment of what Jesus has done for us so that we are now free to enter His presence.
Is child discipline becoming an idol amongst Christian parents?
Godly discipline is parents' way of showing love to their children in the sense that it trains them to have proper character and thinking. Christ-centered discipline banks on the belief that our children are sinful just as we are and need the grace of correction to be led to the right path just like we do.
5 bad habits Christ-centered couples keep out of their relationship
Building a Christ-centered marriage is the one foolproof way that you can set up your marriage for the long haul. It becomes a whole lot simpler when couples decide that Jesus calls the shots in the relationship. It's not easy, but it's simpler.
What to think when you feel like God doesn't care what you're going through
It can often feel like we are disconnected from God because we can think that He's way up there in the clouds enjoying gold streets and pearl mansions while we stick around in this imperfect world. But be assured that God knows what pain you are going through right now.
There's a really good reason why you're still single
A lot of single Christians today struggle with the thought of remaining single, but there should be a very good reason why God is keeping you single in this season of your life. And because Jesus can be bring full satisfaction and joy, single Christian men and women can be assured that God has their best interests in mind.
Here's a simple Bible-reading format you can follow
Reading God's Word is like putting a fruit in a juicer -- you want to make sure that you get the most of it. There are countless believers who have been reading God's Word for decades, but in every opportunity to do so there is always a fresh revelation or experience.
How to rejuvenate your faith when you've started to feel disconnected from God
In our walk with God, it may often feel like we are out of tune and rusty on the inside. In times like these, we know that what we need most is the refreshing move of God in our lives and the one way we get that is through being connected to Jesus.
Should depressed people give up medication and put their faith in God?
Every prayer counsellor, pastor or small-group leader who shepherds a depressed individual must be the first to champion the need for psychology experts
10 verses to help us deal with difficult people
We've all had our personal encounters with people who can be difficult to deal with. It could be because of culture or mindset differences, an unpleasant past experience or just simple impressions that make it hard to get along with someone.
Why learning about the Trinity matters
Understanding the fullness of God is trying to fit a whole ocean into a glass of water -- it's next to impossible, but it's worth a shot.
The biggest leadership mistake pastors make
The call to ministry is a noble one, but it's also a time-consuming role to play. However, our profession as vocational ministers should never take over our lives and we should never act as if we are the primary builders of God's church because we are not.
Kickstarting your faith life: How to get back into the race after quitting
Jesus died on the cross not only for perseverers. He died for quitters, too.