Patrick Mabilog
Forgiveness: Why holding onto that grudge will only hurt you
There's nothing more toxic than the poison to the heart that comes through a grudge, and no other poison could be subtler. Toxicity of the heart is far more dangerous in that it doesn't just kill you slowly -- it also kills the people around you.
5 things God doesn't care about that we worry far too much about
The world we live in operates on a very high level of values. Almost everything we do and we don't do is guided by a simple set of values. While there are good values, there are also bad values. While there are God's values, there are also ungodly values.
Salt and light: 3 social practices you can't ignore as a Christian
We live in a day and age where everyone wants to be socially responsible because of the status and image it brings.
How to recover if you have been hurt by members of your church
Getting hurt by church members is more than just probable. It's very likely to happen. Every believer has experienced a certain level of offense from a church member or sometimes even from a church leader.
Why God doesn't want careers to be more important than family
Many people nowadays are so driven by their careers. They work non-stop and put all things aside to make enough room for their work schedules, leaving out family trips, the kid's sports matches and recitals because we're too busy with work.
How to recover when you pursued something that wasn't God's will
Is finding God's will a trivial pursuit or could it be as simple as day? Whatever your take is, there are some people who have lost their way in finding their purpose.
'Batman v Superman': Deep inside every Christian is a struggling 'Clark Kent'
This weekend, Zack Snyder's latest installment from the DC Extended Universe, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," took the box office by storm. Reflecting on the storyline of the film, one can also actually learn a Christian lesson or two from the characters.
Why pastors need to preach a salvation message every week
The prince of preachers Charles Spurgeon once said, "The best sermons are the sermons which are fullest of Christ. A sermon without Christ as its beginning, middle and end is a mistake in conception and a crime in execution."
4 misconceptions we have about missions
God has always had a global mindset when it comes to the work of spreading the good news about what Jesus has done for every person in the world.
4 key relationships pastors and church leaders must maintain
The job of ministry calls for a greater level of effectiveness of relationships. In any other profession, things still work out even if relationships are fraught. In ministry, however, all activity seems to come to a halt when the pastor's relationships are broken.
Is anyone ever disqualified from serving God in vocational ministry?
Full-time vocational ministry is just like any other profession in that it is God-ordained. But one cannot deny that there is a greater spiritual and moral weight when one serves God on a vocational level.
Is being ambitious an ungodly trait?
Bill Bradley once said, "Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in." Individuals who strive to be successful hold a lot of ambition, but can we become too ambitious to the point of selfishness?