
How you can be generous and not experience lack
It's often the valuable and the useful things that we have to learn to give away so that we can be generous.

3 things you should avoid doing so that you can bless others
We can bless others in many ways, and some of these ways aren't the usual "give something to someone" type of thing â it could also be in the form of not doing or not giving something to another.

3 people in the Bible who showed exceptional faith
Aside from the biggies, there are also other Bible figures worth noting for their faith, despite the fact that they only had brief appearances.

Why discrimination is a sin
While the Bible says that there are certain kinds of people and beliefs that we should steer away from, the Bible also makes it clear that being prejudiced against others is wrong.

5 tips for memorising Scripture
Memorising Scripture is actually an incredibly valuable tool.

Why God hates sexual immorality
The Bible makes it clear how much God hates the sin of sexual immorality just like any other sin because it destroys God's beautiful design for us.

4 ways we misunderstand 'receiving' Jesus
We all have experienced having a wrong notion about receiving Jesus at some point. Here are four common ways we misunderstand receiving Jesus.

8 scriptures that bring peace in the midst of conflict
Even in the midst of conflict and differences, we can celebrate oneness in Christ knowing that because we are of one faith, we can exist in unity even if there is no uniformity.

'Grimm' season 6 spoilers: Nick faces difficult decision between Adalind and Juliette in final season
The "Grimm" fanbase seems to be divided between the two camps that support Nick being with Juliette, and the fans that would rather see Nick end up with Adalind.

5 signs that your leadership needs a reboot
Sometimes we find that just like a worn out computer, our leadership needs a reboot that will bring us back into the right spirit and sense of being a leader.

How we've been praying the wrong way all this time
We think that our prayers are answered when there is maximum faith and minimal doubt in our hearts, otherwise it's best you try again.

If God can bring breakthrough anytime, why does He make us wait?
Bringing breakthrough into our lives is no difficult feat for God, so why doesn't God just deliver it to us right away?

4 things to remember when you're finding it difficult to get God's grace
We're so accustomed to getting what we deserve. From good grades (and bad ones) to promotions, so much of what we do is about receiving something in return for the effort or investment we put in.

6 Bible verses to motivate you to welcome all sorts of people, like what Jesus did
Sometimes all it takes for us to extend a warm reception is a few seconds of our time to ask someone who's serving us about their day or a few minutes to listen to a friend who needs to let off some steam. If you're trying to be more welcoming to the people you surround yourself with and those you come across, here are six Bible verses to encourage you.

Loving your enemies: How to pray for those who wish you harm
You may be thinking, "I don't have any ill feeling towards anyone, why do I need to pray for my enemies? I don't have any." If you do, you won't get off that easy.

4 alternative ways to pray
Many of us find prayer a challenge at times â it can be difficult to know where to begin, or perhaps you're stuck in a rut with a single way of praying, and might need to try something new to hear from God in a fresh way.