
5 subtle signs you are tainted with pride
Pride hurts. It may feel good for a while and may seem so retrofitted into your heart, but at the core of pride is the refusal to make Jesus the priority of our hearts because we have already filled it with our own selfishness.

5 ways our wedding vows can honour God
The vows that husbands and wives make to one another are one of the highlights of any wedding, but they're also the most frightening.

The idol of self image and how it ruins our faith
When we think of idols, often what comes to mind is an image of a wood-carved statue that sacrifices are made to, but we don't automatically think of the self as being an idol.

5 powerful implications of God being our Abba Father
What does it really mean for us if God is our Abba Father and how does it affect the way we are and the way we live?

Why we must choose the right leader always
Leadership can be defined as the capacity to influence another's thought or decision. Because of this, you wouldn't want an ungodly leader moulding you into something God wouldn't want you to be.

Why Christianity isn't synonymous with passivity
The Lord Jesus Himself said that He is the way, the truth and the life. Because of Him, there's no place for passivity in Christianity. There's only a life of abundance, purpose and meaning.

Loving people the Jesus way requires this one thing
Jesus was so focused on what His Father wanted Him to do, and He did not have any time for other things.

5 Bible verses that speak of a Christian's God-given authority
A Christian possesses some measure of authority that enables him to do what God wants him to do.

3 ways your faith can help you succeed in whatever career you're in
God loves to see His children enjoy in His goodness, and it is to His glory and praise that we are prospered by Him in the things that we do.

3 Bible figures who affirm that children can give glory to God, too
Children, young as they are, can give glory to God, too.

3 ways by which forgiveness renews us
Jesus' death for the forgiveness of our sins cleanses us, renews us and opens up the pathway to restoration of our relationship with our Father in heaven. The forgiveness that we exchange with one another here on earth does similar things.

Why Jesus needs to be your anchor in times like these
While it's helpful to have people to call on when we're in need, Jesus is the only one who is completely reliable and by our side through it all.

5 Bible verses on the dangers of earthly distractions
Feeling distracted by worldly wealth? These Bible verses explain why you shouldn't be.

Why do even 'good' marriages have so much conflict?
So many Christian couples come into a marriage thinking that they're prepared to face anything and that conflict need not arise, but it inevitably does. So why is it that even 'good' marriages seem to have so much conflict?

What was Paul's 'thorn in the flesh', and why was it so important?
Paul asked God three times to take away the "thorn in the flesh", with no result: he remained damaged and weak.

10 scriptures to encourage you to overcome fear and live a courageous life
When God calls you out to live for Him, He doesn't call you to a comfortable and easy life. He calls you to a life that will require you to step out in courage.