
What to do when you don't know what to do
When you are in some sort of 'dead-end' or a point in your life when you've become stagnant, do you ask God, "what now, Lord?"

'Count it all joy': 3 steps to being joyful at all times
Do you want to be able to "count it all joy" when trials come your way? Here are some things you can do to be joyful.

5 ways to show faithfulness to the Lord
God is very faithful to all of us, and it is by His faithfulness that we can continue living as His sons and daughters in this world. For our part, we should strive to be as faithful as we can be to Him who loves us.

3 ways to love the 'unlovable'
If you want to be God's hands and feet that will extend His love and mercy to other people, you've got to be willing to do what it takes.

Archaeologists dig up Christian grave marker that pinpoints site of first Lindisfarne monastery
A crowd-funded archaeology dig has uncovered evidence of the lost medieval monastery where the Lindisfarne Gospels were written.

How Christ's pain relieves you of yours
All pain is caused by sin, but you can take heart, because Christ has overcome.

How to be a good encourager: 4 ways to boost people's morale
As Christians, we're instructed to encourage one another. Here are four ways we can boost the morale of our brothers and sisters.

9 Bible verses to help you deal with conflict
It may be an argument with a friend, a disagreement with a family member of a heated discussion with a husband or wife that has made it difficult for you to keep your cool. Whatever the situation, the Bible can be your guide to conflict management and resolution. Here are four biblical tips with supporting verses to help you keep calm in a conflict.

Looking beyond tradition and seeing the heart
Many times, people remember the traditions they hold but easily forget the heart of why they do them.

Am I really a new creation in Christ or is that said just to make me feel better?
When we take a look at our lifestyles, one thing becomes clear: It doesn't matter how long we've been a Christian, we're still sinners and we'll probably still be sinners until the day we die. So, are we really new creations?

Is discipleship more important than evangelism?
Evangelism and discipleship, at their core, are one and the same.

The most important trait that people look for in a leader
Looking at Jesus' life, we learn the things that matter most when it comes to leadership and how we can become leaders who can effectively gather people and make them see our vision.

Don't worry if you don't feel fit to serve God, He will still use you
God's desire is to get His people involved in his greater work, not because He can't do it without us, but so that we can share in the glory and victory that is already won in Christ Jesus.

Jesus can turn your failures into miracles
Have you ever struggled with your sense of purpose because you feel that your past failures have disqualified you from God's calling?

10,000 Reasons: How Matt Redman's song has inspired Christians around the world
Matt Redman's song 10,000 reasons has inspired stories of worship in tough times around the world.

Modern Monasticism: What does community living look like in the 21st Century?
What if there was another way to live? A more satisfying way? And what if this way did not require us to do more, but do less - in creating space for God to move? Impossible, comes the shout, at least while living in London. Space and time are things few of us can afford. Maybe not.