
How to respond when a fellow Christian performs better than you do
Do you have a problem accepting the fact that there will be somebody better than you? If you do, then you're in trouble.

How to make decisions when your options are too few
Most of the time we are faced with circumstances that require us to make decisions.

When a videogame sends people to church more than the actual church does
Could it be that we Christians failed to represent Christ, whom we so loudly and proudly declare?

What destroys marriages fastest?
A marriage where the grace of God that comes through Christ is absent is going to be built on the weakest foundation.

Freedom from the shame of the past: Just like the people in the Bible who failed God, you can be free today
God promises that His love and the work of Christ covers a multitude of sins, and that grace applied to so many people in the Bible we would consider giants of faith.

Why life won't be easy when you walk with Jesus Christ
The biggest misunderstanding about Christianity is that it's supposed to be easy.

How is the joy of the Lord our strength?
God promises in His word that He is a more than sufficient source of strength that we can turn to at all times.

Allowing the cross to break you: Responding to the gospel with humility
The cross is what gives us life, but before life can be given, we must first be broken by it.

'You must be born again': Why the concept can be confusing, especially to new believers
While not many take the phrase "born again" literally by thinking that we need to physically be born again, it can still be a confusing concept to many.

The 99 thoughts you have while planning a sermon
Better gather my resources. Notebook, check. Pen, check. Pile of commentaries and concordances that I'm not going to look at, check.

10 ways to bless your pastor
It is in the interest of the whole body of Christ to keep our leaders in good shape, and as a vicar's wife, it is very definitely in mine.

4 things to bring you solace as you mourn the death of a loved one
The death of a loved one is heartbreaking. In the immediate aftermath of their death, grief can be so consuming that it can feel as though your own life is being sucked out of you. Here are four things that you and your loved ones can draw strength from while mourning.

Spiritual check-up: How to identify weak areas in your spiritual life
While we shouldn't obsess over our spiritual growth, it's essential that we keep an eye on which areas are strong, which are weak and how we can work to maintain and improve them respectively. Even if we're churchgoing, Bible reading and believing Christians, we still need to check in every once in a while. Here are three ways we can do just that.

7 Bible verses to restore your faith in justice
Here are seven Bible verses to restore your faith in justice, remind you of how God values it and why you should too.

Why an offended person is hard to win
It's very difficult to win the favor and affection of a person who is offended, even if he is a Christian.

What to do when you expected the best but received the worst
There are times when after preparing and doing all that you can do for the best possible outcome of any endeavor, something goes wrong and the worst happens.