
Are you a blessing hoarder?  Here's why we weren't made to store up, but give out
Are you a blessing hoarder? Here's why we weren't made to store up, but give out

It's God's money, possessions, material things, gifts and talents and He knows how to use them best. We are merely channels that they must pass through for the source to bring the blessing where it's supposed to go.

Is Sunday school really necessary for children?
Is Sunday school really necessary for children?

When we fail to value the raising up of the next generation by teaching them the ways of God and the love of Christ, we fail to think multi-generationally and consequently fail to think the way God thinks.

Why the thrill of dangerous stunts isn\'t worth it: Are you living and dying for Jesus?
Why the thrill of dangerous stunts isn't worth it: Are you living and dying for Jesus?

The Bible makes it clear that no matter what we attain in life, no matter what we pursue, if it's not for Christ, it's not worth it.

The righteous shall live by faith: 3 simple truths why the Christian life is lived on faith alone
The righteous shall live by faith: 3 simple truths why the Christian life is lived on faith alone

The life of a Christian can only be lived on faith alone and nothing else.

How you can stop your enemy from intimidating you
How you can stop your enemy from intimidating you

We must be willing to face any intimidating attack, knowing that Christ has already overcome, and we are empowered to win it as well.

How to deal with a neighbour who loves to encroach upon your rights and privileges
How to deal with a neighbour who loves to encroach upon your rights and privileges

Living as a Christian doesn't mean being a pushover.

3 reasons why it\'s good to visit wakes and funerals
3 reasons why it's good to visit wakes and funerals

"Better to spend your time at funerals than at parties. After all, everyone dies— so the living should take this to heart."

5 Bible figures aside from Jesus that serve as good role models for us to follow
5 Bible figures aside from Jesus that serve as good role models for us to follow

The Bible presents to us many characters to emulate and learn from. And while the best person to desire to be like is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, there are other Bible figures that we can use as our role models.

Are these 3 things killing your friendships? Here\'s how to tackle them
Are these 3 things killing your friendships? Here's how to tackle them

In most cases it won't be a one-off friendship-altering event that takes place and leads to the breakdown of a relationship but a series of seemingly insignificant reactions to irritable or damaging behaviour, a failure to address underlying tensions or both of these and more.

Everyday acts of witness: 3 ways to proclaim your love for Christ to others
Everyday acts of witness: 3 ways to proclaim your love for Christ to others

It's vital that we bear witness to Christ in the little things we do each day, not just through the standard periodical expressions of our faith such as going to church once a week. We need to be full-time, 24/7 365 days a year (366 on leap years) Christians.

Unsure of how to resist the enemy? Here are 9 Bible verses to help you
Unsure of how to resist the enemy? Here are 9 Bible verses to help you

Whichever way we gear up for a period of particularly concentrated or difficult confrontation with the enemy, we can always improve our defences by looking to the Bible and incorporating the instructions on this topic that we find in God's Word.

It\'s bad to judge, but it\'s also bad not to confront sin
It's bad to judge, but it's also bad not to confront sin

Jesus commands us not to judge, but does that really mean that we are no longer to confront?

Why God doesn\'t want you to be a workaholic
Why God doesn't want you to be a workaholic

Most cultures today praise a lifestyle that is driven by work and the pursuit of success, but does God really want us buried in long working hours?

Do you check your social media pages more often than you check your Bible?
Do you check your social media pages more often than you check your Bible?

Here are five signs that social media has become an addiction and that we must start surrendering it to Christ.

Why do we do ministry in the first place?
Why do we do ministry in the first place?

One hears the word ministry and thinks usually of preaching, teaching, counselling, worship leading, or any activity that is involved in church affairs.

Why hardship is an essential element in the Christian life
Why hardship is an essential element in the Christian life

Hardship is an essential element in the Christian life. It is so important that the Bible describe it as the filter through which Christ-followers will enter the Kingdom of God.