
5 ways to celebrate your family daily and not only on weekends
5 ways to celebrate your family daily and not only on weekends

Your relationship to your family is the most important relationship you have in your life, next to your relationship with God. Thus, it deserves to be given more importance and value with each day.

3 ways to build your evangelism muscles
3 ways to build your evangelism muscles

Just like how a person's physical strength and endurance grows with the development and building of his muscles, a Christian's ability to effectively share the good news of Christ gets better the more the Christian builds himself in it and then shares it.

5 Bible verses that speak of God\'s ever-present help in times of need
5 Bible verses that speak of God's ever-present help in times of need

The Bible says that God is our ever-present Help in times of need.

Why you should fulfill your oaths unto the Lord
Why you should fulfill your oaths unto the Lord

If ever you've made a promise to God and then failed to fulfill it, God won't like that too, because that's sin.

Why godly leadership is important in the home
Why godly leadership is important in the home

It was His plan that the parents would teach their children to grow up to Him in righteousness, and that the children would grow up to be Godly people making great impact in their areas of influence, wherever God will put them.

How the Kingdom of God flourishes in a believer\'s life
How the Kingdom of God flourishes in a believer's life

Time will come when, as we faithfully walk with Christ, we will see ourselves mature in Him and be ready for His purposes.

3 ways to enjoy reading the Bible without the use of a smartphone, an app or other tech gadgets
3 ways to enjoy reading the Bible without the use of a smartphone, an app or other tech gadgets

In Jesus' time, there were no smartphones. David never had iPhones, iPads, nor MacBooks. Moses had tablets, but they didn't run on Windows, iOS, Android or other operating systems.

5 Bible verses telling us what we should stand for
5 Bible verses telling us what we should stand for

As Christians, we were not freed from sin for nothing.

How to help the needy: 3 lessons from Jesus
How to help the needy: 3 lessons from Jesus

Jesus gave us the perfect example of how to interact with and treat those living in poverty. Here are just three of the things we can learn from Him in this context.

5 ways Christians can be a force for good in this world
5 ways Christians can be a force for good in this world

Changing our world, even if we're just referring to the local community that we're a part of, can be a daunting prospect. However, it is possible. Here are five things we'll need to do.

7 Bible verses to help you celebrate and value your dependence on God
7 Bible verses to help you celebrate and value your dependence on God

These Bible verses are a fitting reminder about the importance of depending on God.

The danger in making your child\'s success your own success
The danger in making your child's success your own success

All wonderful things about our children are not a product of who I am as a parent, but of the grace of God in our lives.

Sabbath debate: Saturday or Sunday? Does the day really matter?
Sabbath debate: Saturday or Sunday? Does the day really matter?

There is a long-standing debate on the day the Sabbath ought to be observed — Saturday or Sunday?

True prosperity not about gaining wealth but gaining more of Christ
True prosperity not about gaining wealth but gaining more of Christ

While most of us only focus on gaining money and material possessions, Jesus has every intention to bless us with much more valuable treasures such as His peace, joy and presence just to name a few.

Purpose talks: We were made to do good to others
Purpose talks: We were made to do good to others

True faith in God's grace will through the power of Jesus lead to a life justified of past sin and the ability to do good works. God's grace does not provide just one or the other but gives both as a package deal.

God wants to be with us more than we want to be with Him
God wants to be with us more than we want to be with Him

There's a big lie that the enemy is spreading around the world and you should know about it: He wants you to think that no matter how much you want God, He can't draw close because of your sin.