
Effective parenting is impossible without God\'s grace
Effective parenting is impossible without God's grace

When we realise how much better our kids are in God's hands than our own, we just might give ourselves a whole lot more grace and lesser pressure to fit ourselves in the mould of the "ideal Christian parent."

12 ways on how you can become a blessing to people in your workplace
12 ways on how you can become a blessing to people in your workplace

Sometimes it can feel like your office is void of the blessing and presence of God, but you can be a light in your office.

How pride destroys marriage and why humility matters
How pride destroys marriage and why humility matters

Humility in marriage is important. Just as Jesus Christ showed the utmost humility and selflessness when He expressed His love for the church, we too as spouses should grow in the area of humility and selflessness.

5 ways leaders can get spectators involved in church and other projects
5 ways leaders can get spectators involved in church and other projects

People can and will get more involved in a project if given the right motivation. It falls on you as a leader to compel them into action. Here are five ways that you can get more spectators involved.

God wants you to be fruitful, not busy
God wants you to be fruitful, not busy

Being busy puts you in a spot where you are overwhelmed and often to the point of exhaustion and anxiety. That's not God's plan for you.

7 scriptures that point to God\'s sanctification process in us
7 scriptures that point to God's sanctification process in us

Here are seven scriptures that teach us about God's process of sanctifying us and progressively changing us from glory to glory.

Jesus-centred marriage: 3 things husbands can learn from Adam and Eve\'s differences
Jesus-centred marriage: 3 things husbands can learn from Adam and Eve's differences

There are some things that husbands can learn from the first couple that God brought together.

How must you deal with a boss who wants you to do something sinful
How must you deal with a boss who wants you to do something sinful

If the ones leading the company aren't Christ-followers, the Christian worker might be ordered to do something offensive to the Lord.

5 Bible verses declaring our real independence from the slavery of sin
5 Bible verses declaring our real independence from the slavery of sin

We are free to live for Him who died to set us free.

Why we must obey God rather than men
Why we must obey God rather than men

It's through our obedience of His Word that we ultimately show our love for Him.

Dreams and visions: 8 Bible verses on God\'s revelatory communication
Dreams and visions: 8 Bible verses on God's revelatory communication

Here are eight Bible verses which either give examples of biblical dreams, provide guidance on how to be sure of the source of this type of revelation or show God's purpose of using them.

3 ways to overcome your reluctance to ask for God\'s help
3 ways to overcome your reluctance to ask for God's help

How far do you push yourself, or procrastinate, before you seek someone's help? It doesn't matter how independent we are, we all face problems that require another person's or God's assistance.

3 reasons why we shouldn\'t be ruled by our passions but guided by our purpose instead
3 reasons why we shouldn't be ruled by our passions but guided by our purpose instead

As Christians, we all have different passions but share the same over-arching purpose. So how can we get passionate about the things we're called to do by Christ, even when the ways to fulfil these commands don't appeal to our natural or existing capabilities and interests?

Independence Day: 3 reasons why we must fight for our freedom in Christ
Independence Day: 3 reasons why we must fight for our freedom in Christ

Christ has given us so much freedom through His finished work on the cross.

Sister, servant and leader: Who was Phoebe in the Bible?
Sister, servant and leader: Who was Phoebe in the Bible?

With only 50 odd words – or two verses – dedicated to her in the Bible, you could easily miss Phoebe in your reading of Romans. But that would be a shame.

Why worshipping God is a daily thing, not a weekend escapade
Why worshipping God is a daily thing, not a weekend escapade

God is God every day. He reigns and remains sovereign every second, minute and hour from Monday to Sunday. He deserves our worship every day.