
Loving your atheist brothers
Loving your atheist brothers

If Jesus were to meet an atheist you know today, what do you think Jesus would do?

Demons: the danger they pose and how we can defeat them
Demons: the danger they pose and how we can defeat them

Many of us will avoid intentionally inviting demons into our lives by not taking part in activities which openly purport to do this, but we still need to be prepared to defend ourselves against evil which attempts to enter our lives with or without invitation.

iPhone 7 rumors: leaked video reveals bigger camera, no earphone jack
iPhone 7 rumors: leaked video reveals bigger camera, no earphone jack

More and more pieces of information on the iPhone 7 are being leaked as its suspected release date nears.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 Release Date, Specs: New tablet arriving in 2 months? Expect some exciting new features
Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 Release Date, Specs: New tablet arriving in 2 months? Expect some exciting new features

According to, since Samsung is quite prompt in releasing its new gadgets, the date of the release of the Galaxy Tab S3 is quite easy to predict.

Why it\'s OK to argue with the Bible
Why it's OK to argue with the Bible

Someone's said that if you aren't a liberal when you're 20 you haven't got a heart, and if you aren't a conservative when you're 40 you haven't got a brain.

Are you using busyness as an excuse for skipping time with God?
Are you using busyness as an excuse for skipping time with God?

Often in the busyness of everyday living, the first thing to go out the window is our time with God. Realising and remembering that a day without Jesus is always worse than a day with Him, we need to fight for our time with Him.

8 scriptures on how Jesus breaks our shame
8 scriptures on how Jesus breaks our shame

God promises us that we can put our confidence in Jesus Christ knowing that in Him, His plans will always succeed.

Why it is better not to \'play house\' before marriage
Why it is better not to 'play house' before marriage

Is it okay for Christian couples to live together prior to marriage? Hannah Wegman, project coordinator and writer for Concerned Women for America (CWA), says a lot of people were shocked when she and her fiancé revealed they will move in together only after getting married.

Want to be forgiven? You need to do this
Want to be forgiven? You need to do this

We want to be freed of the guilt and condemnation that our sins and mistakes bring to us, but most of us will never be forgiven because we lack one thing.

5 Bible figures who didn\'t mind taking second place – and fulfilled their role in history
5 Bible figures who didn't mind taking second place – and fulfilled their role in history

Being in second place isn't that bad. In fact, it's the best place for you to be, if God meant for you to have that lot in life.

3 tips on how to shine for Christ in your workplace
3 tips on how to shine for Christ in your workplace

We should always desire to bloom for the Lord where we are planted.

3 reasons why it\'s hard for a rich man (or any other) to enter the Kingdom of God
3 reasons why it's hard for a rich man (or any other) to enter the Kingdom of God

Oour salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone.

What Christ-followers ought not to be
What Christ-followers ought not to be

Do you want to follow Christ and be like Him in character? Then let's simplify things and see the other side of the coin: what Christ-followers ought not to be.

Praise through the pain: 5 worship songs when times are tough
Praise through the pain: 5 worship songs when times are tough

For many of us, when hard times come our instant reaction is to ask God for the pain to cease, for the problem to go away and for His peace to reign. While such a reaction is appropriate, we can also go to Him by singing praises for Him who loves us most dearly.

3 questions to ask yourself if you\'re praying for healing
3 questions to ask yourself if you're praying for healing

Have you been praying for healing but noticed that your health has not improved, perhaps even got worse? It might be that you have some underlying issues that need addressing.

7 Bible verses on how God provides us shelter amid the storms of our lives
7 Bible verses on how God provides us shelter amid the storms of our lives

You might be thinking: "Where can I go?" as you attempt to pin down a location where you'll feel safe when in reality you need to go to someone who will make you feel safe, and that someone is God.