
I'm part of God's familyâNow what?
The moment we put our faith in Jesus Christ and His victory on the cross, we are automatically added into God's family.

Is my child's discipline and success really up to me?
God commands parents to take responsibility of disciplining our children, but does that mean that our child's discipline and success is really up to us?

How we've been praying for our spouse wrong
Praying for your spouse may be as important as serving them, staying faithful to them, and loving them.

God's timing is perfect at all times
He was always in control and how His timing always works to our advantage.

Why we shouldn't even dream of being 'the very best like no one ever was'
That song line actually speaks of massive competition.

What 'your best life now' really means according to the Bible
In reality our best life isn't here and now unless it's for Jesus Christ alone.

3 ways you can cause others to stumble on their faith
Being the cause of one's fall is a terrible thing.

3 things you can do to help improve your retention of Bible verses
Here are some things you can do to help you keep the Word of God in mind.

Here's how the elect can be deceived
Remember, we are not perfect and immune to any deception or attack. We should build ourselves up in the faith and trust in the Lord for everything always, while doing our best to study His Word and obey it.

Cave art shows how colonisation united Christians and Creoles
Archaeologists are uncovering evidence that shows in detail how the native peoples in the Caribbean and the European colonisers were engaged in active theological debate and over the nature of God, sin and forgiveness.

4 positive ways to kick the comparison habit
Constant comparison isn't easy to avoid but it isn't impossible to address. Here are four things you can to opt out of it.

Lay aside the weight of the past to pursue your future
What weight is holding you down from finishing the race of life strong? For many people, it's their past failures and brokenness.

Anxiety and how it makes us lose sight of reality
What really happens when we worry? When we worry, we get laser focus over something but choose to put that focus on the wrong thing.

Why growing church attendance shouldn't be on your mind
It's most likely that church attendance was never something Jesus or the first apostles had in mind as they grew the early church.

The biggest lie we face today
The biggest lie is that God is not accepting enough to love us despite our failures, that God cannot provide for us, and that God will not protect us.

8 verses that help us get a "fresh start"
A new beginning and a fresh start. Doesn't that sound like something that you would want today?