
Overcoming the work of the enemy in your workplace
The busiest person at work in the office is Jesus Christ; He's busy redeeming your office from the work of the enemy.

Growing Olympic-level spiritual disciplines
What does it take to grow the spiritual muscles necessary to become champions for God?

What we can learn from the time David spared Saul's life
One very strong example we see is the power in the humility and patience of David as seen in the way he made decisions.

One practical tip to help energise your quiet times with God
"I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer."

Monday goodness: Why going back to work is an exciting thing to do
Monday is one of the best days of the week, aside from the other six!

Here's where you can get strength and hope for each day
We all need a source of strength to cling to so that we may live life full of joy and hope!

5 truths you should remind yourself of each day
Our lives are directed by the truths that we believe in.

3 reasons why Jesus makes us more joyful than anything else
Here are some reasons why Jesus makes us more joyful than anything else.

Why Jesus' love is so hard to imitate
Unless God's heart becomes ours, we will never be able to love the way He did.

How you can encourage your pastor to do more for Jesus in ministry
The work of shepherding will be easier for the pastor when the flock themselves care for one another.

If Christ did so many good things during His earthly ministry, why can't we?
Before we were saved, God designed us to do something that we will only effectively do once we are saved. But how come many "saved" Christians aren't apparently doing anything?

3 reasons why you should seek to be humble always
There are some benefits to being humble, and dangers to being the opposite of it â being proud.

Why it's hard to find a 'book of Acts' church today
The early church age was filled with such wonderful and amazing things. Why is it so hard to see these things happen today?

Samsung Galaxy S8 Release Date: New smartphone rumored to make its debut in Q2 2017
Those who want to get their hands on this new smartphone will have to wait for at least nine months more based on Samsung's past time table on releasing new phones.

8 verses on God developing us through discipline
God portrays Himself as our Heavenly Father multiple times in scripture and He also affirms that He treats us the same way He commands earthly fathers to treat their childrenâwith both love and discipline.

4 biblical questions to ask when pursuing a business venture
Are you planning to start a business venture? Here are four questions based on biblical principles to help guide you in developing your business plan.