
3 reasons why we can put our hope in God when we feel hopeless
3 reasons why we can put our hope in God when we feel hopeless

God is higher than anything that causes us to feel hopeless

5 Bible verses on being set free
5 Bible verses on being set free

Here are some Bible verses speaking about our freedom in Christ.

Embrace your weakness just as God does
Embrace your weakness just as God does

It has become a part of our culture to try to mask weaknesses and faults, but Jesus encourages us to be open and transparent about our weaknesses, especially to Him, so that in our weaknesses Christ can become our strength.

4 biblical financial principles to teach our kids
4 biblical financial principles to teach our kids

Training your children in strong biblical principles is a whole lot like investing in mutual funds: the earlier you start, the better the results.

Why you can\'t deal with lack without dealing with contentment
Why you can't deal with lack without dealing with contentment

While God provides every blessing through Christ, He seeks not only to work on our wallets but more importantly our hearts.

Christianity and exclusivity don\'t mix
Christianity and exclusivity don't mix

So many Christians today want the church to be an exclusive club with only the "finest and brightest." That's not what God wants. God makes Himself available to all.

3 reasons why giving can be spiritually dangerous
3 reasons why giving can be spiritually dangerous

Matthew's account of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount contains some of Jesus' most challenging teaching.

\'This world still brims with glory\': It\'s time to rediscover our sense of hope
'This world still brims with glory': It's time to rediscover our sense of hope

The world feels like a pretty dark place right now, and it's up to us to look for signs of hope, says Martin Saunders.

What to do when God is \'not responding\' to your prayers
What to do when God is 'not responding' to your prayers

There's no point in getting angry at God for 'hanging up'

Four reasons why you shouldn\'t look down at the young
Four reasons why you shouldn't look down at the young

One of the main reasons why youth do not step up to the leadership mantle is because they have been looked down on, underestimated and made to feel that they do not add up because of their age.

What \'love your neighbour as yourself\' simply means
What 'love your neighbour as yourself' simply means

We should understand that if we all need Christ in order to be forgiven, saved and redeemed, then we will love our neighbors enough to share the gospel of Christ's salvation to them no matter what!

There is no measuring your worth
There is no measuring your worth

Your worth goes beyond what you can offer. It is imputed by the value that has been transferred from Jesus Christ to you when He paid the price for your life on the cross.

When fear is produced by perfect love
When fear is produced by perfect love

The Bible actually talks about different kinds of fear. God has no problem with fear. The problem lies in what motivates that fear.

God\'s standard invites—it does not alienate
God's standard invites—it does not alienate

His standard is an open door to all, and it has been opened by the finished work of Christ.

We cannot earn righteousness
We cannot earn righteousness

Jesus takes our dirty records and swaps them with His clean slate so that we may walk in God's goodness.

Walking on water: 3 lessons from Peter\'s amazing experience
Walking on water: 3 lessons from Peter's amazing experience

Peter is only a man just like us: a sinner who needed Jesus Christ for his salvation and life.