
What to do when your prayers miss the point
I don't know about you, but I have to admit that I am the worst when it comes to prayer. I struggle with the words to say, many of them don't get answered and so often I just miss the point of it all.

God calls us his royal priesthood and holy nation but are we really making the cut?
Being a high priest called for a very high standard. Failing to meet the standard would mean disqualification from the call or even death. The call of a priest was a tough responsibility. Today we no longer need an earthly high priest because of what Jesus has done.

4 important aspects to a healthy relationship with God: Forgiveness, love, communication, faith
These are some of the central aspects of our relationship with God.

The key to breaking free from your past that's tucked away in Ecclesiastes
Friends, it's called the "past" because it's neither the "present" nor the "future." However, if we don't face our issues, learn from them, receive God's forgiveness, and choose to move on, the past will always affect our present lives and even determine our future!

Feeling unclean due to past sin? Let these Bible verses help you rediscover God's power to cleanse
If you are feeling unclean because of past or present sin, take a look over the following Bible verses and rediscover God's power to refresh and renew. You may even find it helpful to say the first two psalms as prayers as you ask for forgiveness and help in distancing yourself from sin.

3 tips to having a strong devotional life
We need to train ourselves to daily seek for instruction in the Bible's pages.

Feeling deflated? Here's how minor setbacks can be a precursor to a major comeback with God's help
Whatever glitch you're going through or however your plans have been turned upside down, these three benefits of setbacks could help you see where God is in the midst of your suffering.

Problem saving your money? Here are some tips, according to the Bible
Here are some of the Bible's tips to saving and managing your money.

3 amazing things you discover about yourself when you find God
Here are just three of things that we find out about ourselves when we find God.

Lady Antebellum's Hillary Scott says it was God who helped her deal with miscarriage and recent death of loved ones
Hillary Scott of country music trio Lady Antebellum has spoken out about how her faith helped her through personal tragedy, including the miscarriage that led her to write the song Thy Will.

3 prayers for when you're working hard to weather life's storms
As Christians we're called to pray without ceasing. But sometimes when we most need to call on Him for guidance, comfort and understanding, we're so disheartened by our own situation that we doubt that He still can. Here are three prayers for when you're struggling through a storm.

Scripture has something powerful to say to all those who feel like giving up
If you're losing your grip on hope or know someone who is, these Bible verses are just some of many which can encourage them to find God in everything and at any time.

The real reason we shouldn't blame God for tragedies
Jesus shifts the emphasis away from explanation to action: given that this has happened, how is it to be made to manifest God's glory?

Why character is always more important than spiritual gifts
Friends, God's gifts working through us need to be powered by His love.

Three things you should know to be able to live a fruitful life
Here are some things that we all need to know in order to live a fruitful life.

Here's what newly married couples need to realise about marriage
To all who are newly married and are having a lot of hard times adjusting to the new kind of lifestyle being married brings, here are some things you need to realise.