
Three ways churches can get money wrong
Three ways churches can get money wrong

Money is often a sore subject for churches. We're often not sure how to talk about it in an honourable way, so we don't talk about it at all.

Christian Small Group: The rejected TV pilot
Christian Small Group: The rejected TV pilot

Martin Saunders offers his latest script: a moving drama based on the personal and spiritual lives of a group of Christians in a church small group...

It\'s not Christian to be nice
It's not Christian to be nice

Somewhere along the way, Christianity has got itself entangled with a soapy, soft, non-offensive concept: 'niceness.'

Does money really stop us getting into heaven?
Does money really stop us getting into heaven?

Should we sell our possessions and give to the hungry, the destitute and the needy?

Why you and your spouse need to have common goals
Why you and your spouse need to have common goals

When both the husband and wife choose to pursue God's desires for both of you, you'll find that marriage is a lot easier and more blessed than not.

Problems understanding Scripture? Here are 3 tips to help you
Problems understanding Scripture? Here are 3 tips to help you

It's best to ask the Holy Spirit's help in understanding and knowing Scripture properly.

3 ways to deal with criticisms – and help yourself grow through them
3 ways to deal with criticisms – and help yourself grow through them

Let your identity be founded on what God says you are, not what others say you are.

Do I really have to hate my family and even my own life to follow God?  Luke 14:26 explained
Do I really have to hate my family and even my own life to follow God? Luke 14:26 explained

What Jesus calls us to do in Luke 14:26 is not to detest people, but simply to hold Jesus as preeminent in all things.

What to do when you don\'t feel like connecting with God
What to do when you don't feel like connecting with God

What do we do when we don't feel like connecting to God? The best thing to do is to reflect and probe asking ourselves why we miss our devotionals even when we know it matters more than anything.

The Bible study method that helps small groups really work
The Bible study method that helps small groups really work

Bible studies can be precious times, when Christians gather together around God's word. They can also be frustrating and even annoying.

Why we should be prepared to preach the gospel in season and out of season
Why we should be prepared to preach the gospel in season and out of season

Friends, we must do our best to prepare ourselves to preach the true gospel of God in Christ to a world that's dying with every moment. Many are dying without knowing Christ.

3 reasons why you should be still and know that He is God
3 reasons why you should be still and know that He is God

No amount of human-made problems or forces of nature can ever come against Him who loved us and gave His Son for us to be saved and reconciled to Him.

Back to school: 3 beautiful prayers to share with your kids at the start of the school year
Back to school: 3 beautiful prayers to share with your kids at the start of the school year

Whether you or your kids can't wait for the school gates to open or are dreading the first day back and every school day after that, the following prayers can all help you tell God how you feel and ask Him for what you need to get you through and find reasons to thank Him for the wonderful gift of education.

Top 5 daily prayer apps to help your devotional life
Top 5 daily prayer apps to help your devotional life

Here are the five best prayer apps we found on iTunes

Rahab the prostitute: Was she a traitor or a heroine?
Rahab the prostitute: Was she a traitor or a heroine?

This is a story that looks simple but isn't. Rahab is a complicated person with divided loyalties.