
Why you should not let the sun go down on your anger
Unresolved anger becomes dangerous to us as a foothold for the devil.

Why you should 'catch the little foxes' according to Solomon
Take good care of your relationship with God and your marriage â get rid of those foxes.

4 tips for staying in control of your temper when speaking with someone you strongly disagree with
Here are three tips for tackling the temptation to throw charity out the window when you're locked in discussion with someone over something you passionately disagree about.

Facing a tough decision? Here are 6 Bible verses to reassure you of God's guiding
There might not be a story or scripture that resembles your specific dilemma in an immediately obvious way, but there will be words which will help you to find an answer which reflect how God wants you to approach your particular circumstances.

If God is powerful, why can't I feel it?
At some point we may have taken a look at all the miracles in the Bible and asked ourselves, did these things really happen? And if they did, why don't we see much of them anymore today?

3 tips to improving your spiritual health habits
Nobody ever became good at a sport without practicing the disciplines necessary for it. In the same way, nobody will ever grow spiritually healthy without the disciplines required for it.

10 Bible verses that show why Christians should live generously
Christians are called to live generously. Jesus lived a radically generous lifestyle â giving freely with his time and gifts.

Why we need to THINK about the Bible as well as BELIEVING it
At church one Sunday I fell into conversation about a TV programme on biblical archaeology.

Books for Life Live: Top Christian authors gather for Cheltenham's alternative literature festival
This year a specifically Christian event has been arranged to coincide with the Cheltenham Literature Festival.

3 reasons why Christians who want to build up their faith should make a habit of reading
Reading can be helpful in many ways, especially our faith. Here are three reasons why Christians will highly benefit from building a habit of reading.

Why making disciples is not an optional extra for any Christian
Many Christians think of discipleship and see it as an optional call that Jesus gives to those who are interested in adding souls to the kingdom.

When you're broken, get ready to be used by God
God does not let our disqualification become the end of our purpose. Instead, He brought to us Jesus Christ so that He would be our atoning sacrifice and our key to greater power through the Holy Spirit.

The life of Mother Teresa in 12 pictures
Today, Mother Teresa was made a saint by Pope Francis. He presided over her canonisation in Rome after a second miracle was attributed to her intervention last year.

3 things your pastor won't tell you about marriage
Here are three things that your pastor probably neglected to tell you about marriage.

Why infidelity never starts with sex and what you can do to guard against it
How do we make sure that as married men and women we uphold our testimony and protect our family - the most important relationship we have here on earth?

Does the world really need more faith-based movies?
It seems that more and more we're seeing a growth in production and release of faith-based films. At the onset, that should be a great thing right? Of course it is, but only if we avoid some pitfalls.