
Here\'s how you can be sure that God knows how to help you
Here's how you can be sure that God knows how to help you

Despite the fact that at times we don't know what to ask God for, He does know how to help us, and will help us when we yield to Him.

Bride paralysed in accident shares remarkable story of how God took her from wheelchair to walking down the aisle on her wedding day
Bride paralysed in accident shares remarkable story of how God took her from wheelchair to walking down the aisle on her wedding day

A diving accident in a friend's pool left Jaquie Goncher paralysed from the chest down. Surgeons told her that she would never walk again and would have to use a wheelchair for the rest of her life. But Jaquie has defied the odds and her incredible recovery has meant that she was able to walk down the aisle on her wedding day this year. Who does she credit with making it happen? God, of course. Here the photographer from Marietta, Georgia talks to Christian Today about how God took her from whe

Why an emotional crisis is never from God
Why an emotional crisis is never from God

Whether it's struggling with depression, anger issues, frustration or dismay, an emotional problem is never from God. God may often allow us to experience it, but He is never the origin of an emotional battle.

When your faith in God seems to be all you have left
When your faith in God seems to be all you have left

Faith, when it stands alone against a mountain of trial, often appears like an unmatched David facing a seemingly impossible fight to beat Goliath.

Forget your reputation and other things that are necessary if we want to be more like Christ
Forget your reputation and other things that are necessary if we want to be more like Christ

Here are three simple things that you can do to show your solidarity with those who are excluded in society.

Moving on from failure: 5 things to do when you suffer a setback
Moving on from failure: 5 things to do when you suffer a setback

Preparing ourselves for how to handle setbacks before we attempt to achieve anything can help us navigate any disasters that we encounter along the way with a character that's formed of true faith. Here are five things you should do after suffering a setback.

In need of spiritual power?  Here are 7 Bible verses which reflect on the power of the cross
In need of spiritual power? Here are 7 Bible verses which reflect on the power of the cross

The extraordinary and incomparable qualities of God's love for us means that we should never convince ourselves that we've outgrown needing to look back at what the cross represents because it's down to the cross that we are able to look forward to a life with God. Plus, how can we ever tire of trying to get our heads and hearts round how much He cares for us? Here are six Bible verses which reflect on the power of the cross.

Confession: Why God doesn\'t want to hear why we sinned
Confession: Why God doesn't want to hear why we sinned

Don't bother telling God why you sinned. He isn't interested, says Mark Woods.

Here\'s the best way to deal with discouragement
Here's the best way to deal with discouragement

We should consciously decide to praise the Lord

3 Bible figures that will encourage you to trust in God when in need
3 Bible figures that will encourage you to trust in God when in need

Here are some Bible figures that will encourage you to, like them, trust God in times of need.

3 ways to handle your anger without sinning
3 ways to handle your anger without sinning

When handled well and with grace, anger becomes a very powerful emotion that will help us become more obedient to God and loving to others.

Is this Jesus\' toughest call? 10 Bible verses on selflessness
Is this Jesus' toughest call? 10 Bible verses on selflessness

The toughest call Jesus places on his disciples is to deny ourselves and sacrifice our own pleasures on behalf of others.

Is the Bible trustworthy or has it been changed?
Is the Bible trustworthy or has it been changed?

Thanks to certain popular books, it's common to hear people say that the Bible can't be trusted because it's been changed.

What do you do when you just don\'t like someone?
What do you do when you just don't like someone?

There's almost certainly someone in your life who just always manages to rub you up the wrong way. Martin Saunders looks at how to respond.

The dress code for a disciple of Christ
The dress code for a disciple of Christ

Krish Kandiah continues his series on Ephesians.

3 distractions that create distance between us and God, and how to combat them
3 distractions that create distance between us and God, and how to combat them

Here are some common distractions that create distance between us and God, and some simple solutions to combat them.