
Rahab the prostitute: Was she a traitor or a heroine?
Rahab the prostitute: Was she a traitor or a heroine?

This is a story that looks simple but isn't. Rahab is a complicated person with divided loyalties.

\'I Kissed Dating Goodbye\' author Joshua Harris hints he may have been wrong about purity
'I Kissed Dating Goodbye' author Joshua Harris hints he may have been wrong about purity

Joshua Harris, the archetype of the evangelical purity movement, has hinted he may have been wrong to suggest traditional dating was dangerous.

Rome defeated, Christ triumphant: 10 quotes from St Augustine
Rome defeated, Christ triumphant: 10 quotes from St Augustine

On this day in AD 410, Rome was sacked by the invading Gothic army of Alaric.

Finding God in the midst of suffering
Finding God in the midst of suffering

Claire Musters on faith, suffering, and how to reconcile pain with a loving Creator.

Why believing in yourself won\'t cut it, but believing in God always will
Why believing in yourself won't cut it, but believing in God always will

Honestly, believing in ourselves alone won't cut it. This is because apart from God, we're nothing.

3 things to remember when you are trying to relate to your spouse
3 things to remember when you are trying to relate to your spouse

Relating to our spouses is both challenging and rewarding.

\'Are there ever good reasons to not pay my tithe?\'
'Are there ever good reasons to not pay my tithe?'

Friends, we won't lose anything when we pay our tithes to God.

Seduction and beheading: What a dark Bible story tells us about goodness
Seduction and beheading: What a dark Bible story tells us about goodness

The story of John the Baptist's death is told in paintings and grand opera. There's a whiff of evil decadence about it.

5 things Christian couples should do more to make their marriage grow
5 things Christian couples should do more to make their marriage grow

If there's one thing a marriage should constantly do it's grow. A stagnant marriage is just like anything else that's stagnant - it's either in a deep coma and will remain that way until jump-started or it's dead.

Why being part of a church is not optional for Christians
Why being part of a church is not optional for Christians

Krish Kandiah offers a heartfelt plea and a biblically-informed apologetic for why gathering as church should matter to all of us.

3 reasons to believe that you can do great things
3 reasons to believe that you can do great things

Friends, if we are in Christ, we can do all things because He strengthens us to do them.

Why we should master the art of saying \'no\'
Why we should master the art of saying 'no'

Mastering 'no' enables us to focus on God and not in the unnecessary things in life.

3 reasons why Jesus opposed the Pharisees
3 reasons why Jesus opposed the Pharisees

Here are three principles of the Pharisees that Jesus opposed and what they can teach us about right faith today

Why Jesus didn\'t feed the 5,000, and why it matters
Why Jesus didn't feed the 5,000, and why it matters

The story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 is one that's puzzled sceptics and believers too.

Rio 2016: Olympic athletes who were ambassadors for Christ as well as their country during the Games

We expect Olympic athletes to be incredible representatives of their countries while they participate in the games, but something we don't often anticipate is their ability to be great ambassadors for Christ too. Here are some of Rio 2016's most star Olympians who made a point of giving glory to God.

Why it\'s time to stop saying \'God has a special someone planned for you\'
Why it's time to stop saying 'God has a special someone planned for you'

Martin Saunders tackles that well-meaning phrase, and why it ought to be stamped out.