
Westminster launch for God\'s Justice Bible
Westminster launch for God's Justice Bible

God's Justice: The Holy Bible includes contributions from more than 50 scholars and theologians from all corners of the world.

Can we trust the Gospel of John?
Can we trust the Gospel of John?

John's Gospel has quite a different flavour to the other three, and some try to argue that it isn't reliable.

Diet, defiance and devotion: How Daniel teaches us about living in a hostile world
Diet, defiance and devotion: How Daniel teaches us about living in a hostile world

Far away from home, he was put through an intense process of enculturation sponsored by the Babylonian government.

Gluttony punishment or manna from heaven? Welcome to the weird world of Christian diet plans!
Gluttony punishment or manna from heaven? Welcome to the weird world of Christian diet plans!

Martin Saunders has discovered the weird, wonderful (and largely American) world of Biblically-backed diet plans.

3 things you shouldn\'t expect your pastor to do for you
3 things you shouldn't expect your pastor to do for you

They're also human, and they're not just 'shepherds' of God's flock – they're His sheep, too.

How to enjoy the rest of your life even before it happens
How to enjoy the rest of your life even before it happens

Life is enjoyable because God meant it to be.

What Peter\'s experience of the empty net can teach us about how to respond when we don\'t get the results we wanted
What Peter's experience of the empty net can teach us about how to respond when we don't get the results we wanted

Sometimes we purchase something, get into ventures, start projects, go into ministry with a set of expectations. Somewhere along the line, our expectations aren't met and we get disappointed, frustrated, and sometimes angry at others or even God.

Religion, science and Brian Cox: How to have a conversation
Religion, science and Brian Cox: How to have a conversation

What's welcome about Cox's approach is that he seems to understand the limitations of science as well as its vast and wonderful explanatory power.

Learning to be still... and breathe
Learning to be still... and breathe

The summer holidays have been a whirlwind of fun, but now I need a rest.

Why guarding our hearts shouldn\'t be confused with locking out love
Why guarding our hearts shouldn't be confused with locking out love

The best protection on offer comes from God through Christ. So instead of thinking that we have to enclose our hearts in an armour which manifests as us creating distance between ourselves and others, we should think of embracing God and His words in our heart.

Praying for healing? Here are five Bible verses to inspire you
Praying for healing? Here are five Bible verses to inspire you

God's healing isn't a historical event, a miracle that only happened to people long ago. He still heals. If we open up our hearts to Him, we can experience it today.

2 reasons why we need to continually say \'yes\' to God
2 reasons why we need to continually say 'yes' to God

The commitment that we make to God isn't a one-off or sporadic declaration, but an action that we have to periodically repeat, a way of life. It's not always easy to say "yes" to God even if we do accept that He exists and loves us because sometimes the tasks He calls us to carry out require us to venture outside of our comfort zone.

Is your past spoiling your present? Here are 3 things you can do to find back your joy in the now
Is your past spoiling your present? Here are 3 things you can do to find back your joy in the now

As Christians, many of us unnecessarily allow our past to taint our present. Here are three of the main ways in which we can facilitate the past negatively affecting our present.

Who do you trust? Why you\'re always better placing your wellbeing in God\'s hands
Who do you trust? Why you're always better placing your wellbeing in God's hands

We can assign entities with the power to protect us when they're incapable of doing so. Have you overemphasised the importance of an object, idea or person's ability to keep you safe while underestimating God's power to do the same? You might have done so without realising.

Don\'t let summer holidays sedate your spirit: 5 ways to keep your faith alive and exciting during the holidays
Don't let summer holidays sedate your spirit: 5 ways to keep your faith alive and exciting during the holidays

Holidays offer us the potential for us to refresh but they can also be the reason that we regress. Instead of slipping into a state of spiritual sedation, use the summer to explore your faith and stay excited about it.