
We have a future and a hope: 10 Bible verses to encourage us
Sometimes, when we're very low, we want someone to lift us up. We need to be told we aren't as defeated as we think we are.

How to live without sex: a beginner's guide to celibacy
Is it possible to live without sex?

Professor Brian Cox condemns 'toxic' rows between science and religion
Prof Brian Cox has called for believers and non-believing scientists to acknowledge each others' contribution to human beings' search for meaning and to avoid "toxic" dismissals of different worldviews.

Why we should think about our words before releasing them
There are some things that when released can never be undone or taken back. One of these things is speech.

Does honouring our leaders mean being totally obedient to them?
We must obey God rather than any human authority.

3 reasons for you to trust in God with all that you have
If we try to achieve things on our own, we will only reach so much. Trusting in God and pursuing Him with all that we have, however, yields more than what we could ever dream of.

3 things you can do to stop misunderstandings ruining your relationship with God
Getting the wrong impression about someone can ruin your relationship with them. If you have misguided expectations about what they should be doing for you and vice versa, you're likely to find yourself in a state of discontentment.

What to do when your prayer feels pointless
In times like these, we should be drawn to prayer even more than before. However, sometimes the idea and the reality seem worlds apart and we can be discouraged in our prayers, even feeling like they are pointless.

3 things to remember when you're afraid to say yes to God's call
As glorious as it is to discover what your God-given purpose is, not everyone is fearless in the face of their calling. Here are three things worth remembering when you're afraid to say yes to God.

Where do your heart and treasure really lie? 3 areas you can check to see whether Christ really is getting your all
The kind of investment that we're required to make when we follow Christ is the kind that means putting our all in. Like other investments, there are certain risks involved â losing friends, enduring suffering from those who wish us harm, but with Jesus, there's no risk in the end product. Here are three things areas which we can study when working out where our heart and our treasure lies.

3 right ways to respond after you've messed up and need to be forgiven
Some of us still struggle with being on the receiving end of a second chance. Here are three things we can do when we're given a second chance.

Why being believers is more about being vulnerable than it is about being strong
There are many people who find the prospect of being vulnerable uncomfortable. Being exposed to criticism and embarrassment or even danger and hurt isn't something many of us would want. But in order to live out our faith, vulnerability is to some extent a given.

If you're a Christian and don't feel excited, you may be missing the point
If there's anyone who should be full of energy and excitement, it should be Christians. So what does it mean if you don't feel that way?

Why it's important to pray without ceasing even though it seems hard
Praying without ceasing- what does that really mean? Does it mean that we should always be on prayer mode ready to fold our hands and bow down our heads at any given minute of the day?

Are you looking for the perfect church? Here's some bad news: it doesn't exist
There is no such thing as an ideal church where the doctrine, people and ministry are perfect and complete because we are finite and limited people with limited knowledge, resources and capacity.

Christianity brings a culture of honour
A heart that honours God will readily honour others even when honour is something we don't receive. A leader is not someone who has the highest honours, but someone who give the biggest honours out to others.