
The danger of adding to the Gospel
The danger of adding to the Gospel

The main idea that refutes Christ's completeness and wholeness is called Syncretism- a condition where we try to mix what is supposedly perfect on its own with something else to try to add to its value.

Why a \'soft\' view of sin will only get the church into trouble
Why a 'soft' view of sin will only get the church into trouble

So many churches and ministries today are afraid of or even refuse to talk about the things that grieve God - sin- because they don't want to sound too harsh. As a result we have so many Christians getting trapped in sin because their view of it is distorted and somewhat watered down.

Why is it so hard to establish quiet time with God sometimes?
Why is it so hard to establish quiet time with God sometimes?

We know that syncing with Jesus is important, and we know we desperately need it, but why is it often so hard to keep a strong devotions plan in place?

God doesn\'t keep a record of wrongs, but He doesn\'t keep a record of rights either
God doesn't keep a record of wrongs, but He doesn't keep a record of rights either

Many times, as Christians we can be swayed by the mindset that says, "what's in it for me?" As creatures of value, we're always looking for the trade off.

Arguments between believers: being right should always be less important than trying to figure out what\'s right
Arguments between believers: being right should always be less important than trying to figure out what's right

So many people try to protect their opinions not because they're convinced it's the truth, but because they attach too much of themselves to their ideas.

Why our faith in God means we can always be positive even in the face of failure
Why our faith in God means we can always be positive even in the face of failure

Every believer looks forward to hearing these words in the next age: "Well done good and faithful servant." What does it take to be a faithful servant of God?

Hearing the voice of God: Will it scare you or relieve you?
Hearing the voice of God: Will it scare you or relieve you?

What would happen to you if you hear God speak in an audible voice but you couldn't see Him? Would it scare you or would it relieve you?

\'Name it, claim it\' and 3 other wrong views of prayer that can cripple us rather than help us
'Name it, claim it' and 3 other wrong views of prayer that can cripple us rather than help us

Here are four common yet subtle wrong views about prayer that could be bringing unnecessary trouble to you today.

The fine line between stewardship and loving money
The fine line between stewardship and loving money

How do we find the right mix of financial stewardship principles and efforts without falling for the love of money?

The Bible extols meekness but it\'s important not to confuse being a \'softy\' with being weak
The Bible extols meekness but it's important not to confuse being a 'softy' with being weak

Meekness. What do most associate such a trait with usually? We think about meekness and the quickest things to pop up into our heads are the words timid, shy, quiet, push-over.

God absolutely wants you to enjoy life, but that means WITH Him not without Him
God absolutely wants you to enjoy life, but that means WITH Him not without Him

Many think of sin and a life without God as the life that one truly enjoys and a life with God as a boring and tasteless pursuit of all things dull. Nothing could be further from the truth.

How to remain content in a world that tells you you need more
How to remain content in a world that tells you you need more

We live in a world that screams in lies in our face telling us that we need to add to Christ to find true happiness- that we need a good career, a perfect church, a certain relationship.

Why did Jesus want to spit out lukewarm Christians?
Why did Jesus want to spit out lukewarm Christians?

Do we truly understand what being lukewarm in your faith is and what drives us into such living?

Bible verses to help you stay joyful when it seems like something good has come to an end
Bible verses to help you stay joyful when it seems like something good has come to an end

Realising that God is central to our happiness and taking steps to convey this belief through our actions can help us to cope better with the passing of temporary fixtures in our lives.

9 Bible verses to reignite your passion for reading God\'s word
9 Bible verses to reignite your passion for reading God's word

It's important to return to God's word at regular intervals so that we can refresh our memories and our spirits to act in a way that is in accordance with His commands but also so that we can be reminded how much we're loved and valued. Here are nine Bible verses which should reignite your passion for reading God's word.

9 Bible verses for those ocassions when you can\'t bear your burden alone
9 Bible verses for those ocassions when you can't bear your burden alone

God is ready to help you with your problems, let the following Bible verses help you get ready to share them with Him and trust that he will lighten your load.