
Here's what you should do when the justice system doesn't work out for you
Let us take the Jesus way.

Have you ever felt disconnected from God? Here's an encouragement for you
Friend, if ever you've felt like you were separated from God, realise that He will never turn His back on His promises. He promised to never leave us or forsake us. He will stick to that. He is faithful.

3 ways God builds up our faith
Here are 3 ways God builds up our faith with us.

The Elijah Syndrome: Why the greatest Old Testament prophet might not be a great role model today
There are some wonderful stories in the Old Testament of the great prophets of God. They remind us of what God is able to do through the lives of people wholly dedicated to him.

Struggling with self-esteem? 4 prayers to boost your confidence
If you're battling with self-confidence, failing to see how the weak are blessed or just want to remind yourself that your weaknesses don't make you worthless, you may find these four prayers inspired by Scripture helpful.

Nine Bible verses to help you kick the Monday blues
Some of us might find that an invigorating exercise routine is what we need to kick the Monday blues, while for others an energising smoothie or shake might be the answer but whether or not you're up early enough to do either of those, there are some things that we can all benefit from injecting into our Monday routines, and Bible verses are one.

How to make your mark on the world the Christian way
The thought of making a positive impact in a big world with so many complex issues can be overwhelming. But there are so many little things that we can do to make big changes. While Jesus left a remarkable legacy from his time on earth, and made the ultimate sacrifice, he didn't overlook the significance of small acts of kindness.

Six superstitions it's common for us Christians to hold that we really shouldn't
Superstitions aren't just simply silly beliefs held by those outside the faith. We Christians can be just as superstitious, despite the Bible teaching that we shouldn't be

5 ways you didn't know you were ruining your testimony
Because our testimony is crucial, it's important that we protect it by being wary of the way we live. Here are five ways that we ruin our testimony without even knowing about it at times.

Is bitterness overcoming your heart? Here's how the cross can set you free
Many people hold on to bitterness thinking that it can protect us better than God ever could or heal us better than God ever will, but that is deception from a world that wants you to remain hurt and an enemy that finds pleasure in seeing you defeated. God wants you healed and made whole.

Full submission to Christ is hard but it's possible and, more importantly, necessary
So many people give up on total submission just because they think they probably won't be any good at it. But God calls us to live fully submitting a hundred percent of ourselves to Jesus.

Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less
Within anyone and everyone is a level of arrogance that makes us believe that we are fine without God. The only thing that can free us from a heart ruled by pride is an identity rooted in Christ.

Why God gave us the law even if He knew we'd mess it up
The beauty if God's design is that He has always meant for us to exist in a way that is dependent on His grace.

3 important rules for a happy marriage and how you can keep them
Marriage is more than just simply complying with the generic "love and submit" mantra we are used to hearing. Here are three more profound rules on marriage that flow out of this simplistic picture of the ideal marriage.

Keeping on keeping on: 10 Bible verses about perseverance
Perseverance is one of the greatest qualities in the life of anyone who's ever achieved anything.

How reaching out to others actually helps us more than we realise
Here's how reaching out to others helps us more than we realise.