
I am perplexed by what Jesus is doing. Now what?
I am perplexed by what Jesus is doing. Now what?

How do we cope when the journey of life fills us with fear?

Here\'s what happens when we refuse to forgive
Here's what happens when we refuse to forgive

There are a few things that happen when we refuse to release forgiveness, all of which are serious things. Here are but some of them.

3 reasons why Christians should depend on Christ alone
3 reasons why Christians should depend on Christ alone

Here are some reasons why we should depend on Christ alone and nothing else.

3 things that God wants to do to you
3 things that God wants to do to you

Ask yourself, can you fully trust God that what He plans to do to you is always good?

8 Bible verses to help you find true hope
8 Bible verses to help you find true hope

These eight Bible verses will help you realise that hope is a lot more than well-wishing, positive thinking and something comforting to say when things aren't looking too good. Maybe next time you or someone you know is in what appears to be a hopeless place, you'll look to these to guide your words, your thoughts and your actions.

9 Bible verses to help you kick the bad habit of lying - that includes bending the truth!
9 Bible verses to help you kick the bad habit of lying - that includes bending the truth!

If you're feeling conflicted about whether or not you should lie to someone, or you're playing down the lies that you tell on a regular basis, these nine Bible verses highlight why lying is a habit that we should all drop.

9 Bible verses to meditate on when you\'re navigating stumbling blocks
9 Bible verses to meditate on when you're navigating stumbling blocks

If you're having a hard time navigating your way around stumbling blocks or have recently fallen short of what God requires of you and are in need of reassuring that you are still loved by Him, and that He will help you to rise once more, take a look over the following Bible verses.

5 Bible verses to help you experience the fullness of a simple life
5 Bible verses to help you experience the fullness of a simple life

The definition of a full life is not, as some may think, how many possessions we have or how extensive our wealth is but how full we are in our relationship with God.

God speaking: what does the Bible have to say about hearing His voice?
God speaking: what does the Bible have to say about hearing His voice?

Because we should trust God more than anyone else, it's natural that we should look to Him for guidance and allow His words to steer our steps. But hearing Him isn't always easy. The following Bible verses look are great sources of wisdom for us as we get to know God's voice and understand how to respond to Him.

6 tips for beating distractions during prayer
6 tips for beating distractions during prayer

If you find yourself struggling to find stillness during prayer, these four tips may help you to rediscover it.

7 Bible verses to reassure of you of God\'s constant protection
7 Bible verses to reassure of you of God's constant protection

In a world where it can be easy to think that evil triumphs, it's important to remind ourselves of the power of God's protection. Here are seven Bible verses which will help you do just that.

9 soul soothing Bible verses for those who are grieving
9 soul soothing Bible verses for those who are grieving

Whether you've recently lost someone close to you, or are helping someone else in the aftermath of their loss, these nine Bible verses are useful to remember.

4 prayers for when you feel tired and ready to give up
4 prayers for when you feel tired and ready to give up

Here are four prayers for the times you feel like giving up and want to ask God for help but don't have the words.

8 Bible verses to give you a boost when you\'re sick or suffering
8 Bible verses to give you a boost when you're sick or suffering

Does the Bible make it anywhere onto your list of essential items during an illness? Well, these verses prove why it should.

7 scriptures on the power of possibility with God
7 scriptures on the power of possibility with God

God's word is a great confidence booster during times when we have to face the unfeasible. As well as finding examples of God's greatness, we can also rediscover explicit mentions of His ability to do what would would ordinarily be unachievable. Here are seven Bible verses which boldly state our ability to share the benefits of God's greatness and achieve anything.

10 Bible verses that help build a beautiful picture of what a family under God looks like

Here are some of the pieces of advice and instruction on family life from the Bible that we can employ as we make an effort to ensure that our family relationships are guided by God.