
Facing Challenge This Christmas? You're Not Alone
We don't always recognise it, but the Christmas story was one that started off on a sour note.

3 Ways to Avoid Being Blindsided by Sin
Do you want to avoid being blindsided by sin, especially at a time when you thought you wouldn't fall? Here are some things you should do.

3 Truths That Will Dispel Your Fears of the Devil
Do you want to have that courage to stand up fearlessly against the devil? Here are some biblical truths you need to know.

To All Who Have Lost Hope After a Fall, Here's One for You
No matter how painful our fall, God can heal us. No matter how deep we fell into the mess we got ourselves in, with Christ's strength we can get out. No matter how far we've walked into the wilderness we stumbled upon as lost and confused men, the Holy Spirit can guide us to the right path.

How Husbands Can Be Successful Both at Home and at Work
A lot of husbands can't seem to find the right balance between work and family life. On their wedding day, they made a promise to uphold their wives and prioritise their families. But when reality sinks in, they chase after their dreams and neglect their duties as husbands.

Feeling Stressed Out This Christmas? Author Max Lucado Wants to Remind You of These 3 Things
Christmas is supposed to be a jolly holiday, but many people find themselves stressed, scattered, broke, and hurried during this frantic season.

5 Surprising Truths About Nonchurchgoers
What sets regular churchgoers and nonchurchgoers apart? Their differences aren't all that stark, and they aren't the antagonistic, argumentative bunch some Christians peg them to be.

3 Things Men Let Go of When They Marry
Men are natural adventurers based on how God created them, and one of the greatest, most rewarding, and most costly adventures he will ever make in his life is to marry. Yes, to marry a woman and be her husband.

3 Things Only a Wife Can Do to Her Husband
There are some things that only a wife can do to her husband. A man can have many friends, have thousands of acquaintances, achieve hundreds of awards or recognitions, but only a wife can do something to him that others cannot.

Why It's Important to Believe What God Says About You
If we want to live the life God has prepared, designed, planned, and willed for us to live, we have to believe Him.

5 Things You Barely Hear About Dating in Church
Dating isn't rocket science, but it isn't a nursery rhyme either. We need guidance in the art of dating.

Is It Bad to Refuse to Lend Someone Money?
Is it really bad for Christians to refuse to lend someone money?

5 Ways to Discipline Our Kids
Every parent has been there and we've probably even made mistakes in disciplining children. But we can always correct what we do wrong. Here are five ways to discipline our children in the right way.

4 Financial Tips to People in Their Early 20s
While twenty-somethings still have a lot of time left to deal with their money issues, It's not an excuse to not learn as much as you can as early as possible.

Insurance and the Concept of Trusting God: Is It Being Faithless to Be Ready?
If an "act of God" happens, shouldn't we just trust in His sovereign will and let what happens be?

Why God Is God: 10 Bible Verses About Holiness
One of the defining characteristics of God is his holiness. It's stressed far more than any other characteristic.