
How to Get Through Christmas If You're in the Middle of a Painful Season
No matter what you're going through, remember that God loves you, is for you, and is very willing to hear you and lavish His love on you.

5 Common Habits That May Be Stopping You From Getting a Good Night's Sleep
Getting a good night's rest isn't as easy as closing one's eyes and keeping one's mind blank. Sometimes, sleep is so evasive no matter how tired people feel.

3 Tips on How You Can Instantly Become a Morning Person
Not everybody functions well in the morning. Some people are so adverse to the idea of being up and running so early in the day that they become cranky and irritable if they wake up anytime before noon.

4 Reasons Why Christians Should Not Stop Praying Even Though God Does Not Answer
It can get pretty frustrating for a prayer to remain unanswered, but Pastor Rick Warren from Saddleback Church believes Christians should never give up hope that God would respond to them no matter how long the delay might be.

3 Things You Can Do to Help Your Spouse Trust in God
Do you want to help your spouse trust in God all the more? Whether you're a husband or wife, here are some things you can do.

Here's the Best Christmas Gift You Can Ever Give
Searching for the perfect Christmas gift to give is a challenge and a puzzle to many people. But actually the best Christmas gift is one that doesn't take much consideration at all.

3 Ways to 'Make Christmas Great Again'
Do you want to make Christmas great again? Here are some great ideas.

What to Do When You Take a Wrong Turn in Life
We all know that we need to get things right, but most of the time it's easier said than done and that we rarely know where to begin.

7 Dangerous Signs That You Aren't Spending Enough Time With Your Family
God values your family dearly, but do you? Here are seven dangerous signs that you aren't giving enough time to your family as you should be.

5 Ways to Fight Indifference in Marriage
If we want to fight for our marriage and make it last, we need to be intentional and start fighting against indifference. Here are five ways you can do that

Why Success and Excellence Aren't Always God-Honouring
There's a great misconception among Christians that becoming successful is a sure sign that you have honoured God.

What the Story of Mary and Joseph Teaches Us About Trusting God When Our Reputation Is on the Line
Imagine you're a 12- to 14-year-old girl who had just been visited by an angel telling you that you would be giving birth and raising the son of God even before you and a man named Joseph would come together in marriage. How would you respond?

What Are 5 Things That God Hates?
In life, people have so many rules to follow. A lot of rules have been made by man to maintain a safe and peaceful society, while God imposed several of His own to ensure people's salvation.

Why Are There Prostitutes, Seducers And Adulteresses In Jesus' Ancestry?
In spite of the huge modern interest in family history thanks to the ease with which we can research it online, we aren't very interested in the lists of names in the Bible. All that "so and so begat such and such" leaves us cold.

How To Have A God-Focused And Stress-Free Christmas
How can we focus more on God and remove some of the stress and friction before and during our family Christmas?

Not Much Christmas Spirit? Evangelist Yells At Kids Outside Grotto That 'There's No Santa'
A preacher in Amarillo, Texas, has drawn the wrath of parents after after shouting at children that Santa does not exist.