
Here's How Following Jesus Can Give You an Edge at Work
We can excel in everything if we let Christ work through us. Here's how following Jesus can allow us to grow more competent at work.

God Wants You in His Comfort Zone, Not Your Own
Yes, God actually wants to bring us comfort. But God's comfort looks a little bit different from the comfort that our comfort zones provide.

How You Can Get Past Unhelpful Remorse After Conflict
The true way to freedom and healing after conflict is to not resort to remorse but to choose Christ's peace.

3 Things Single Men Should Desire in a Future Wife
Here's a list of three things that single men should desire in a future wife.

Forgetting the Past Requires This One Thing
All Christians are commanded in the Bible to forget the past and move on so that they can push forward to what God is doing in their lives. God is a God of new things, and He wants His people to be a people who keep going forward until Christ returns.

3 Signs of an Unteachable Attitude
Do you want to know if you have an unteachable attitude? Here are some signs to look out for â coming from a person who's had struggles with this attitude quite for a long time.

What to Do When Good Is Called 'Evil' and Evil is Called 'Good'
The world we live in today is one that's full of lawlessness and deceit. With a world so bleak, how do we live right?

3 Things the Whole Church Is Called for
The church isn't a religion, but a body â the body of Christ.

How to Make Sure You Are Seeking God First and Not the Things FROM God
What is our goal? The goal is the glorious kingdom of God, not the things that come from God.

3 Ways to Be Sure Your Gifts Are What You Think They Are
How can we be so sure that the gifts and talents that we have are truly from God? Here are three things to always look for.

Why Christians Having Denominations Is Not Necessarily a Bad Thing
Are you a Protestant? Presbyterian? Baptist? Charismatic? Pentecostal? Catholic?

What to Think When God Seems Quiet
When God seems silent, we automatically think He's not hearing our prayers and that He's probably ignoring us altogether.

Is It Wrong If I Don't Like Some of God's Commands?
Following God's laws will not always be easy, but given enough time we will start seeing God's commands as a delight even when they don't always benefit our flesh.

5 Ways To Be More Christlike This Christmas
Sarah Stone offers five ways you could use this season to become more like Jesus.

Six Amazing Things You Might Not Know About The Prodigal Son
Six amazing things you probably didn't realise about the Prodigal Son.

Want God to Answer Your Prayers? This Pastor Shares 4 Secrets
God always answers prayers, but His reply is not always what people expect. However, there are some people who complain that their prayers remain unanswered no matter how fervently they pray.