
3 Things to Thank God for This Year
3 Things to Thank God for This Year

No matter what you went through, the fact that you're reading this article simply shows that God is good to you. He really is.

How Satan tries to destroy your Christmas?
How Satan tries to destroy your Christmas?

The enemy never rests until we all fall into his trap. Watch out for these ways on how the enemy will try to destroy our Christmas and push our hearts away from the Lord.

5 Christian Movies in 2016 to Watch This Christmas
5 Christian Movies in 2016 to Watch This Christmas

Christmas is about sharing and caring but let's not forget the true reason for the season. Let's relive His word and story through these popular Christian movies in 2016 that you can watch this holiday season.

5 Top Christmas Gifts for Your Pastor
5 Top Christmas Gifts for Your Pastor

Christmas is a good time to show appreciation to your pastor. Check out these meaningful Christmas gifts for your pastor.

4 Ways To Pray For The World This Christmas
4 Ways To Pray For The World This Christmas

Between the horrific scenes of war-torn Aleppo, famine in Yemen and shocking terrorist attacks, we might be struggling to find a way to pray this Christmas.

5 Ways You Can Effortlessly Increase Your Intimacy With God
5 Ways You Can Effortlessly Increase Your Intimacy With God

Growing in our relationship with God can be serious and tedious work. It calls for discipline, commitment and sometimes even sacrifice. But just like any healthy relationship, we're not the only ones doing all the work.

Why Every Christian Should Take Time at the End of the Year to Review 2016
Why Every Christian Should Take Time at the End of the Year to Review 2016

Before 2016 finally ends, have you taken time (maybe an hour or even less) to officially review your year's calendar and look at all the things that have happened?

5 Books to Help You Improve Your Theology
5 Books to Help You Improve Your Theology

While there is no way to truly know God fully, we can do our very best to get as close as we possibly can.

5 Ways to Overcome Feelings of Loneliness
5 Ways to Overcome Feelings of Loneliness

No matter how many people we are surrounded with or how loved and treasured we are, we all face a moment where loneliness gets the better of us.

Want to Drop Pounds This Christmas? Follow These 5 Simple Tips to Boost Your Metabolism
Want to Drop Pounds This Christmas? Follow These 5 Simple Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

Holiday parties can definitely take its toll on the body, so it's important to learn tricks that can help boost metabolism and burn calories while the body stays idle.

What\'s the History Behind Gift-Giving on Christmas?
What's the History Behind Gift-Giving on Christmas?

One of the most well-known and religiously kept traditions of the Christmas season is the giving of gifts. But when did this practice start and what prompted it?

3 Times Angels Might Help People
3 Times Angels Might Help People

Angels are messengers of God, and they were created to carry out His will. Throughout the Bible, there have been several instances wherein angels showed up before humans and helped them out during their time of need.

3 Ways Christians Compromise With Sin
3 Ways Christians Compromise With Sin

Do you want to be strong in the fight against sin, and avoid compromising? Here are some things you should do.

Why Following Jesus Means Being Ready to Face Rejection
Why Following Jesus Means Being Ready to Face Rejection

Being a follower of Jesus Christ means being ready to face the world, no matter what it may throw against you. We Christians aren't called to conform to this world and become loved by it. Rather, we're called to be separate from it, a holy people set apart for nothing and no one else but God.

One Important Christmas Lesson We All Need to Know
One Important Christmas Lesson We All Need to Know

There's something we all need to know about Christmas: it's both a sad story and a joyful one.

3 Ways God\'s Hand Works in Your Life
3 Ways God's Hand Works in Your Life

God is our ever-present help in time of trouble, our God who is always actively involved in our personal lives. I'm pretty sure that when we look back to our lives, we'll see Him doing one thing or another so that we would know Him, know that we're loved by Him, and show us that He has a great plan for all of us. And He does that because that's just who He is.