
Avoiding Divorce: The Marriage Problems You Need to Address Early on
Divorce doesn't start when you walk into court. It starts much earlier than that.

4 Ways to Grow in Our Compassion for the Poor
Here are four ways that we can grow more in our compassion for the poor so that we may act with more compelling conviction.

3 Gifts You Can Give to Your Pastor or Church Leader This Christmas
One person who would really appreciate the Christmas gift you give would be your very pastor, who is working to feed you with God's Word.

Dear Christians, Here's Why You Should Never Be Tempted to Plagiarise
We should not desire to take for ourselves anything that doesn't belong to us. And when we do that without the owner's consent, it's called stealing, even if it's just intellectual property.

Here's Why You Shouldn't Trust All People Who Say They Believe in God â Even If They're Leaders
Here are some ways to identify false Christians and ministers.

3 Signs Your Relationship Has Turned Toxic
What differentiates healthy relationships from toxic ones? Basically, people in healthy relationships have partners who don't necessarily make their lives complete, but complements their lives in just the right way.

How Christians Can Move on From Failed Relationships
When people get hurt by those they love, it can often be difficult to learn how to build back love, trust and respect. As difficult as it might be to do so, Pastor Shane Idleman of Westside Christian Fellowship said all things are possible with the help of God.

What You Might Have Got Wrong About The Christmas Story
At this time of year, we naturally focus on the birth of Jesus. We are surrounded by images of him as a baby in a manger. But does this affect what we think of him?

I Can't Prove The Christmas Story Is True, And That's OK
There's nothing that can cause a crisis of faith like trying to explain Bible stories to your kids.

The Most Important Phrase for Parents To Grow in Humility
What's the most important phrase that every parent must learn how to muster? No, it's not "I told you so," "do this," or "do that" although I know how we parents love using those statements.

7 of Today's Most Common Functional Saviours and How They Endanger Us
Nowadays idols can take the form of even the most ordinary and day-to-day things that we probably never notice but have now taken control of our thoughts, actions and desires in a way that was only meant for God.

5 Ways Idleness May Be Fouling Up Our Life
There's a place for comfort and rest, that's true, but when we get too comfortable idleness and laziness might start creeping into our lives.

Overcoming the False Gospel That Is Moralism
Unless we are released from the grip of moralism, we will end up falling short of salvation and grace just because we try to gain it ourselves. Here are three ways to overcome moralism.

3 Ways to Defeat the Fear of Missing Out
Here are three ways to be released from anxiety and the fear of missing out.

Christians Are Called to Do These 3 Things in the Midst of Injustice
There are countless injustices happening all around the world, and we, as Christians, must realise that we have a role to play and a task to keep with regards to this.

What Should We Say to Non-Believers Who Think God Is Unreasonable for Demanding Praise From People?
Have you encountered non-believing friends or family members who think it's wrong or unreasonable for God to demand praise and worship from people? Don't worry â read on.Here's what you can tell them.