
Tired of Being Dumped, Reunited, Then Dumped Again? Follow These 5 Tips to Get Out of a Rut
Tired of Being Dumped, Reunited, Then Dumped Again? Follow These 5 Tips to Get Out of a Rut

Some people who are in abusive relationships can't seem to find the strength to leave their partners. No matter how many times they've been hurt and left behind, they are keen to rekindle the romance as soon as their abusive partner starts calling again.

Life, Wonder and Restoration: What We Can Learn From Planet Earth II
Life, Wonder and Restoration: What We Can Learn From Planet Earth II

The BBC's 'Planet Earth II' has delighted millions with its awe-inspiring survey of the natural world. What can the Church learn from Attenborough and the rest...

5 Bible Verses to Remind You of Your Identity in Christ When Bad Times Happen
5 Bible Verses to Remind You of Your Identity in Christ When Bad Times Happen

Here are a few Bible verses that will strongly remind you of your identity in Christ whenever the enemy brings bad times to convince you that you aren't who God says you are.

How to Respond to Criticism If You\'re a Christian
How to Respond to Criticism If You're a Christian

Criticism is normal in our lives. Everybody receives criticism from almost any source: family, friends, people in authority, colleagues, and even strangers. We ought to know how to respond to it, given that we can't run away from it.

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage This Christmas
3 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage This Christmas

If we view Christmas as a time to spend with family and friends, we must also see it as a time to spend developing a growing and blossoming relationship with our spouse.

Does God Really Hold Back Blessing When We Don\'t Obey Him?
Does God Really Hold Back Blessing When We Don't Obey Him?

Is God the kind of God who refuses to bless people when they don't do as He says?

5 Ways Disappointment Can Actually Be Good for Us
5 Ways Disappointment Can Actually Be Good for Us

Here are five ways that disappointment can actually be good for us when seen it in the right light.

Why Popularity and Influence Aren\'t the Same Thing
Why Popularity and Influence Aren't the Same Thing

Sometimes we confuse popularity with influence. While the two overlap in many areas, they are two completely different things, and to pursue popularity does not fulfil the mandated pursuit for Christian influence.

4 Things Parents Rely on Too Much When Raising Kids
4 Things Parents Rely on Too Much When Raising Kids

Here are four things we often rely on too much when we should be relying on God to raise our children.

Why You Aren\'t an Accident Even If Your Parents Didn\'t Plan You
Why You Aren't an Accident Even If Your Parents Didn't Plan You

God never makes mistakes and He made you.

Pastor Greg Laurie on Forgiveness: \'To Forgive Means...Surrendering My Right to Get Even\'
Pastor Greg Laurie on Forgiveness: 'To Forgive Means...Surrendering My Right to Get Even'

Pastor Greg Laurie from Harvest Christian Fellowship preached about forgiveness last Sunday, and he said that the only way people can discover God's master plan for their lives is if they open the door of forgiveness.

10 Questions Every Christian Couple Should Ask Before Getting Married
10 Questions Every Christian Couple Should Ask Before Getting Married

A Facebook post by a Muslim woman has been shared thousands of times and is being credited with opening people's eyes to the advantages of arranged marriages.

The Real Answer To Google\'s Most Searched-For Question
The Real Answer To Google's Most Searched-For Question

Guess what one of the most searched-for topics of the year in the UK is, according to Google? Along with the US election and David Bowie, it's this: "how to accept myself for who I am".

5 Things Not To Do When Waiting for \'the One\'
5 Things Not To Do When Waiting for 'the One'

Here are just five of the many things we should avoid doing when waiting for the one.

How to Share Your Opinions Without Being Offensive
How to Share Your Opinions Without Being Offensive

Here are three things to remember when sharing your opinions to make sure that your delivery backs up the value you want to provide to others.

Why God Doesn\'t Want Any Believers Sitting On The Bench
Why God Doesn't Want Any Believers Sitting On The Bench

When we go to a Sunday service, the encounter remains an experience and nothing more, but when we get involved, we start to build relationship with people we serve with and even people we serve.