
3 Things Christians Must Desire Next Year
3 Things Christians Must Desire Next Year

2016 is about to end, and 2017 is fast approaching. With a new year comes new opportunities, and of course, new resolutions that people either achieve or not. As Christians, we should desire the right things for next year.

How Jesus\' Birth Should Give Us Hope
How Jesus' Birth Should Give Us Hope

Christmas is a time that should fill our hearts with hope in God, no matter what we are going through or have gone through. It's a time that reminds us of the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who came to rescue us at just the right time. His earthly life, from birth to death to resurrection, gives us hope.

3 Christian Truths We Say We Believe in, But Often Really Don\'t
3 Christian Truths We Say We Believe in, But Often Really Don't

The Christian faith revolves around God and our belief in Him. The more we truly believe in God, the more we are able to do great things. We can never obey God if we don't believe Him anyway, right?

Why Do People Kiss Under the Mistletoe?
Why Do People Kiss Under the Mistletoe?

Why do people hang up mistletoes every Christmas in the hopes of getting a kiss from their loved ones? The history of this tradition is actually quite interesting.

The 3 Kinds of Peace God Wants Christians to Experience This Christmas
The 3 Kinds of Peace God Wants Christians to Experience This Christmas

People might think that peace is an unattainable dream, but Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church said it's a free gift from God that anybody can receive this Christmas.

Is Materialism Affecting Your Christian Faith?
Is Materialism Affecting Your Christian Faith?

Media and businesses have a way of making us think we need more in life than we really do. Materialism is taking over our lives and it is destroying our Christian faith and personal relationship with God.

7 Bible Verses to Put On Your Christmas Cards
7 Bible Verses to Put On Your Christmas Cards

Make your Christmas cards more personal with these meaningful bible verses and remind your loved ones how much God loves each and everyone of us.

Does Matthew\'s Gospel Teach That Mary Was A Virgin?
Does Matthew's Gospel Teach That Mary Was A Virgin?

Some have suggested, looking at Scripture, that Mary was not a virgin, nor did she need to be.

God\'s Greatest Gift: 10 Bible Verses About Love
God's Greatest Gift: 10 Bible Verses About Love

The Bible has something to say about every kind of love there is: God's love for us, and our love for Him, in marriages, families and between friends.

Should We Be Talking About the End Times More? Or Less?
Should We Be Talking About the End Times More? Or Less?

People need to know that there is a ticking clock and we are running out of time, but we can make some changes to the way we talk about the last days.

4 Steps to Living Beyond the Chains of Regret
4 Steps to Living Beyond the Chains of Regret

Here are four steps that you can take today if you feel dragged down by regret of past mistakes and want to be free from it.

Burdens Are to Be Cast, Not Carried
Burdens Are to Be Cast, Not Carried

Have you ever had a burden that you felt like you just couldn't let go?

3 Wrong Thoughts That Can Ruin Your Faith Life
3 Wrong Thoughts That Can Ruin Your Faith Life

Here are some wrong thoughts that inhibit or even damage our faith and how God's Word helps us battle these wrong mindsets.

Did You Know That Working Too Hard Can Be Detrimental to Your Faith Life?
Did You Know That Working Too Hard Can Be Detrimental to Your Faith Life?

Work is a good thing and God calls us to work hard and to be productive, but He also calls for balance in that we also take time to rest because it's in rest that we grow in our faith and trust towards Him.

God Listens to Your Slightest Whispers
God Listens to Your Slightest Whispers

Our God is our very loving Father who knows what we need even without us telling Him. He also knows what we want to say even before we could say anything. All that He wants is for us to pursue Him.

3 Things God Will Require of Us Christians
3 Things God Will Require of Us Christians

Each and every one of us on earth will someday stand in front of God and give an account of how we lived on earth.