
What to Do If Your Sacrifice to God Has Started to Feel More Like a Dull Duty
Sacrifice might not be something easy or something we enjoy right away, but it's something we do because we know what we sacrifice for is worth the loss and difficulty.

What is the Unforgivable Sin?
The Lord Jesus Christ is merciful and forgiving but He cannot forgive this sin. What is the unforgivable sin and are you committing it?

5 Christian Songs to Lift You Up When You're Feeling Down
Is it one of those days when you're feeling sad? Listen to these Christian songs and be reminded that God is with you in whatever you're going through.

5 Bible verses to remember when your faith starts backsliding (falling away)
It's not a surprise when a Christian backslides. However, every Christian must do what it takes to avoid this from happening. Take a look at these Bible verses on backsliding.

When Passion and Desire Become a Waste of Time
Here are four times that passion and desire starts wasting our time too.

4 Reasons Why Revenge Will Only Do Us More Harm Than Good
Here are four reasons why revenge will only create more problems than solutions for us.

7 Things You Might Not Have Known About Forgiveness
Just as love is unconditional, so is forgiveness. Here are seven things we need to understand about forgiveness.

5 Ways To Make Your Prayer Life More Pleasing To God
How can we "move mountains" through prayer as Jesus said?

Why Did The Holy Family Flee Into Egypt?
One of the most terrible stories in the Bible is that of the slaughter of the innocents in Bethlehem after the birth of Jesus.

Want to Feel Happier and Calmer This 2017? Follow These Tips
Why does happiness seem to avoid certain people? No matter how hard they try to shake off stress and worries, these two things creep up on them, causing them to remain miserable throughout the year.

How Parents Can Teach Their Children to Be Grateful
This Christmas, a lot of children were fortunate enough to receive gifts from their parents, grandparents, and relatives. One mother even taught her kids to write thank you notes to everyone who gave them presents, but she found it difficult to coax them to do so.

How to Deal With Angry and Judgmental Christians
Can we truly fight fire with fire?

6 Marriage Wreckers That Spouses Must Always Be on Guard Against
Here are six sometimes subtle but always dangerous things that spouses must always be on guard against.

5 Christian-Owned Companies With Godly Values
Did you know that Tyson Foods employ chaplains to be team leaders? Know more about these Christian-owned companies and how they embody God's values at the workplace.

Ladies, Stop Being Too Anxious About Being 'Pretty Enough'
We are given this privilege of participating in adorning ourselves further not just with external appearances but also with our internal character.

5 Realistic New Year's Resolutions for Christians
The coming new year is a time for spiritual growth. These New Year's resolutions should be on top of every Christians list.