
Not Feeling the Joy of the Holidays? Remember These 7 Things
Not Feeling the Joy of the Holidays? Remember These 7 Things

It might seem odd to feel sad and out of place during the holidays, especially since everybody else is having a wonderful time. But many people actually feel this way because they are either stressed out by all the work that needs to be completed or are worried because of overwhelming holiday expenses.

Does My Prayer Count If I Sinned Before Praying?
Does My Prayer Count If I Sinned Before Praying?

We think that for us to get "upstairs" to God we need to earn His favour by keeping with religious traditions such as confession.

7 Truths for Strength When We Are Disappointed
7 Truths for Strength When We Are Disappointed

Here are seven truths that we can hold on to for strength and encouragement when we are faced with disappointment.

Why Having a Long Marriage Is Not the Goal
Why Having a Long Marriage Is Not the Goal

The goal of a marriage is not to simply survive it, but to thrive in it.

Does Engaging in Premarital Sex Disqualify Someone From Ministry?
Does Engaging in Premarital Sex Disqualify Someone From Ministry?

Serving in ministry, whether at a vocational or volunteer basis, is both a joy and privilege to all. But in the same breath it is also a responsibility where qualifications have to be met and standards upheld.

5 Ways We Can Live Out Child-like Faith
5 Ways We Can Live Out Child-like Faith

The faith of children is amazing, and Jesus urges us to be child-like in our faith. Here are five ways we can live out child-like faith.

3 Ways the Christmas Tree Meant So Much to Me
3 Ways the Christmas Tree Meant So Much to Me

The Christmas tree, usually just a decoration completing the holiday cheer inside homes in many places around the world, is just a tree to many. But really, it's so much more than that.

3 Ways to Enjoy Christmas in All Its Fullness All Year Round
3 Ways to Enjoy Christmas in All Its Fullness All Year Round

Before you dismiss this article due to the fact that this year's Christmas is past, let's realise that while December 25 is past, Christ's coming will always be in our hearts, and we are waiting for His second coming. With that, let me share a few ways for us to enjoy Christmas in all its fullness—even after the Christmas celebration.

What We Can Learn From the Shepherds During the First Christmas
What We Can Learn From the Shepherds During the First Christmas

Of all people who could possibly visit the Lord Jesus in His birth, God chose simple shepherds. While their appearance in the real story of how our Saviour came to earth is short, there are some things that we can learn from them.

Spiritual Comfort If Christmas Is Difficult For You This Year
Spiritual Comfort If Christmas Is Difficult For You This Year

However difficult our Christmas is, there is always hope of healing and redemption because Jesus came to us.

Are The Christmas Stories True, Or Myths?
Are The Christmas Stories True, Or Myths?

Of all the events in the New Testament, those surrounding Jesus' birth are possibly the most accused of being inauthentic.

6 Ways to Change for the Better This 2017
6 Ways to Change for the Better This 2017

God invites us to partner with Him, allowing the Holy Spirit to create a positive change for us this 2017. Here are six ways to change for the better this coming New Year.

What the Great Command Can Teach Us About How to Spend Holidays
What the Great Command Can Teach Us About How to Spend Holidays

It's impossible to make Jesus the reason for this season unless we live out and abide by the great commandment.

The Clickbait Nativity: A Christmas Story In 7 Internet Headlines
The Clickbait Nativity: A Christmas Story In 7 Internet Headlines

The Christmas story, as advertised by the imagined Internet in zero BC.

3 Things to Avoid When Setting New Year\'s Goals
3 Things to Avoid When Setting New Year's Goals

We don't always set goals the right way. Here are three things to avoid when setting your New Year goals.

5 Ways to Honour Our Parents When We\'ve Grown Up
5 Ways to Honour Our Parents When We've Grown Up

It's not always easy for everyone to honour their parents, most especially when we start moving on with our own lives. But this command has no conditions.