
Why Death Isn't What You Expect It to Be
Here are some thoughts coming from the various celebrity deaths in the past week and the reality of death that we might sometimes be too afraid to face.

The One Thing You Should Remember When You Don't Feel Able to Worship God
Have you ever felt unworthy of God's presence and of the opportunity to worship God?

How to know if an opportunity came from God or not?
Whenever an opportunity presents itself, how do you know if it is God given? Check out the signs to better decide which opportunities to take and which to pass up.

Who is Eddie Long? Pioneering leader of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Georgia
Bishop Eddie Long devoted his life to serving God, but it hasn't been an easy road. In recent years, he was embroiled in a number of lawsuits, the last one being the most controversial. Now, his name is making waves again after new images surfaced showing dramatic weight loss, which has led some to assume that Long is very sick.

7 Symptoms of a Hardened Heart
What signs should we look out for to tell us that we need God's Spirit to come and soften our hearts? Here are seven signs to look out for.

New Eddie Long weight loss photos trigger health concerns
Bishop Eddie Long recently appeared in front of his congregation to dance and praise Jesus. However, he looked shockingly thinner than his previous appearance and is almost unrecognizable.

6 Reasons Why Christian Parents Should Share Their Faith With Their Kids
The recent Theos report â Passing on Faith â helpfully draws together research on faith and families, all of which shows the powerful impact that Christian parents can have in 'passing on the faith.'

How To Allow God To Use Your Life For Extraordinary Things
David Tomlinson turned away from his comfortable middle-class lifestyle to run an open home for the homeless.

The Highs And Lows Of 2016 On Christian Today
The New Year is a chance to look back over the previous 12 months and pray.

3 Traits Any Christian Leader Should Not Have
Just like how malnutrition affects the overall health of a person and consequently his work, having some wrong and ungodly traits will make any Christian leader malfunction and, worse, turn people away from the Lord Himself.

How Church Becomes a 'God' in Our Lives
We shouldn't confuse church with God. God is God, and church is just a bunch of people following and worshipping and waiting for Him.

3 Things You Should Say 'Goodbye' to Before the Year Ends
2016 is ending soon, and is going to become part of our past. Some of us might consider it a good year; some might call it bad. But whatever it has been to us, we must all learn to say "goodbye" to it. After all, a new year is coming, and we don't want to spoil it.

3 Ways Husbands and Wives are Totally Different
Husbands and wives greatly differ from each other, but God designed that so they would learn to embrace each other's uniqueness to fulfill the purpose God has for them.

3 New Year's Resolutions You Should Make
If we want a better life next year, here are some New Year's resolutions we should make.

Why It's Good to Listen to Honest Feedback
Many of us don't like receiving honest feedback. Although it might hurt, honest feedback given for the purpose of helping us see our faults and mistakes will help us grow and become better people.

5 Signs You're Not Yet Ready for Marriage
How do we know when we are not yet ready to commit to a lifetime of staying faithful and enjoying the company of one person for the rest of our life? Here are five signs to watch out for.