
3 Things We Can Learn from The Prodigal Son's Brother
Although the older brother was mentioned quite late in the story, he is not left out, signifying that he is worth noting and that we can learn from his example in the Bible. Here are some things we can learn from the prodigal son's older brother.

One Key To Finding Companions In The Pursuit Of God
Have you ever felt like you're in a company of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ but cannot find someone who will walk with you as you pursue Him?

iPhone 8 Latest News Update: Wide OLED Display And $1,000 Selling Price Reported
Fans are raving about the upcoming 2017 iPhone, and leaks reveal a great detail that seems to confirm circulating rumors about the device: It will have an edge-to-edge display without a home button.

5 Ways To Cling To God's Word In The Midst Of Busy-ness
Here are five strategies to cling to God's Word even in the midst of great busy-ness.

How Christian Men Should Respond To Getting 'Friend Zoned'
The friend zone is like a dating purgatory that puts you in a limbo of confusion and doubt. It may sound like a joke, but many Christian men and even women have had serious questions about how to respond when faced with this situation.

Why Did Jesus Ask A Blind Man If He Wanted Healing?
Jesus was on his way into Jericho when he passed a blind man begging by the roadside.

8 Moments You'll Only Understand If You're A Calvinist
You know that sinking feeling when the sermon only mentions God's love...

Why We Should Not Take Ourselves Too Seriously: 7 Fun Looks At Evangelical Christian Culture
No one in life should take themselves too seriously, and certainly not Christians. Here are seven fun videos that lovingly but provocatively mock evangelical Christian subculture

Why Christians Should Beware Of Random Acts Of Kindness
Random Acts of Kindness have their limitations, and here's why I don't think they're the answer to all the world's problems.

How To Know If It's Really God Who Spoke To You
Many Christians today claim that God has spoken to them. While I believe that God still speaks personally to His children, not all voices that speak to us come from God. So how do I avoid being deceived? How do I know if what I heard was really from God?

God Will Provide For All Your Needs
Dear reader, God will provide all that you need as you seek Him first. Here are some ways He will provide.

3 Ways Personal Ambition Becomes A Hindrance To Following Christ
Would you want to see Christ smiling at you when you arrive at the finish line of life? If your response is a mighty "yes," I have something to share with you â read on.

How A New Generation Of Christian Missionaries Is Changing The World
I can't say exactly when it changed, but change it did. Up until about 30 years ago mission was something that was done overseas in other cultures by missionaries.

The Significance Of Water Baptism: Is It Really Necessary To Be Baptised?
If water baptism is not necessary for salvation, does it make it unimportant?

Why Faith Cannot Come Without God's Joy
There are things in our Christian life that come as package deals. However, we sometimes try to bargain on just one part of the deal we want and have the rest removed.

What To Do When Your Non-Christian Friends Want You To Do Something That's Against Your Christian Values
Many Christians today fail to live out the identity that God has given them through Christ, sometimes wrongly blaming the world for it. We all live in a fallen world alright, but we shouldn't be scared of it. We are given the authority and the backing that we need to live for Christ in this world. The question is, are we living for Him?