
3 Bible Figures That Will Inspire You To Act On Your Faith In Christ
To help motivate you into kicking your faith to first gear and embarking on doing faith-based good works, here are some people in the Bible who believed in Christ and acted accordingly.

One Key Needed For God To Bless Your Marriage
Do you want God to bless your marriage, and turn it into something far better than what you have ever dreamed of? If you do, here's what you should do.

3 Bible Verses To Encourage You To Take That Leap Of Faith God Wants You To Take
There are some things that only God can do, and there are some things that God will only do when we obey Him and take that leap of faith that He wants us to take. Here are some Bible verses to encourage you to take the leap of faith into what God calls you to do.

How To Trust God When He Seems Quiet
We all go through a time in our lives when God appears to be silent. This happens for a purpose: For us to learn to trust Him.

Dear Husband, Here Are 3 Ways Loving Your Wife Is Like Loving Yourself
While the idea of loving our wives the way Christ loved the church might be too hard for us to do, it's good to know that it's actually rewarding and fulfilling.

How To React When God Strips You Of Something
Here are three ways we can react to being stripped by God.

Why Your Own Family Is God's Training Ground For Fulfilling The Greatest Commandment
Many Christians commit to the call to love God and others but, sadly, sometimes fail to realise one important aspect to life that lines up with the great commandment â that is to love your family first on earth

#SinglesAwarenessDay: 3 Truths From The Bible About The Single Life
Today is #SinglesAwarenessDay. Singleness can be very hard, especially in the Church, but the Bible has a lot of good things to say about it.

What Does Scripture Say About Power? 10 Bible Verses
Earthly power is distinguished in the Bible from the almighty power of God. Power on this earth does not always fall into the hands of good rulers. Should Christians seek power, or resist it? Who really has power over the world? Here are 10 Bible verses on power.

The Love Paradox: Why Marriages â And Churches â Fail To Live Up To 1 Corinthians 13
No matter how many fairy lights, string quartets, organza bags and blushing bridesmaids there are, it seems that no wedding is complete without someone standing up and reading 1 Corinthians 13.

5 Reasons The Sex In The Song Of Solomon Is Better Than 50 Shades
What on earth is a love song that doesn't even mention God doing in the Bible?

Valentine's Day: 14 Scriptures About What Love Really Means
Here are 14 scriptures which help us to think about love from a scriptural point of view.

50 Shades Of Red: Why Christ's Love Displayed On The Cross Is More Satisfying Than Lust
Millions has been spent by moviegoers in watching the "Fifty Shades" movie series over recent years. The movies portray intense sexuality and even sexual violence packaged in a warm fuzzy love story between your everyday average girl and an eccentric tycoon.

Why The Love We All Search For Is Found In Christ Alone
How do we find the satisfaction to this great craving for love that God has so obviously wired into us?

God Enjoys Blessing Your Marriage â Do You?
God loves to bless marriages. Here are some things we can do if we want our marriages to be blessed by the Lord.

3 Things To Pray For Your Loved Ones This Valentine's Day â And Everyday
Everyone is privileged to pray for each other every day, especially their loved ones.