
Should I Leave My Church? 10 Things To Help You Decide
Most of us who go to church regularly and are involved in the life of the congregation go through times when we think about leaving.

The Things These Celebrities Are Giving Up â Or Not â For Lent
The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is advocating a 'good Lent'. So what are celebrities giving up for Lent this Year?

5 Spiritual Weapons To Protect You When You Face Temptation
Our Lord has given us the right tools and weapons to fight temptation. Here are five spiritual weapons that God gives us to protect us when we face temptation.

If Relationships Are So Hard, Why Bother?
Why do relationships matter so much?

3 Bible Verses To Sustain Your Faith When You Feel 'Dry'
One thing that we should note is that faith is not synonymous with feelings. Just because we feel dry doesn't mean God isn't there. And just because we feel like God isn't talking to us through His Word doesn't mean He is mum.

To All Who Feel Powerless Against Sin And Bondages, Here's A Message For You
Many Christians all around the world feel like they're still in bondage to sin and wrongdoing. Such beloved brothers and sisters desire to live right, but can't seem to find the strength and the power to do so. Have you ever felt that way?

One Key To Seeing God Even In Depressing Or Sad Situations
Many people think that God is absent whenever they feel depressed or sad, as if the thick clouds of depression and sadness keep them from God's hand. Sadly, many of us who feel sad or depressed fail to realise that God is faithful, and that He'll always be with us no matter what we feel.

5 Faith-Based Insights That Will Help You Enjoy Your Work
Here are five insights that will give you a new mindset and put you in a position to enjoy your work more.

Are Some Sins Greater Or Lesser Than Others?
What is the right view of the individual gravity of sins? Are some sins really greater than others?

5 Reasons Why Christians Fast During Lent
Many Christians take Lent very seriously as a time for denying themselves something they enjoy, particularly food.

40 ways to invest in your marriage during Lent
If you're married, perhaps you'd like to take time during Lent to invest in your relationship. Here are 40 ideas to get you started or you might want to come up with your own.

3 Bible Verses To Guide You When You Feel Unsure Of What To Do
To help you face the uncertainty and worry that you feel whenever you are challenged to take the next step of faith, here are some Bible verses for you. I hope you take them to heart, keep them in mind, meditate on them day and night, and obey them for success in whatever God calls you to do.

3 Things Christians Do That Drive Unbelievers Away From Christ
Many who are commanded to bring the love of God in Christ to people fail to do it. Here are some of our actions that will drive unbelievers from the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 Signs You're Not Supposed To Be In The Area Of Ministry You Are In Now
Serving God in any given capacity is a great thing. There are times, however, when some of us end up doing things we weren't really designed for. How do we know what we were meant for?

4 Things We Get Wrong About Forgiveness
Here are four ways we might get forgiveness wrong and how to correct these wrong mindsets.

God Has A Purpose In Mind For Your Most Disappointing Times
In the midst of great disappointment, God can turn things around for our good. Here are three ways that disappointment can benefit us now that God has made a way to turn it into good.