
Life Hurts: How God Helped This Christian Doctor In Her Struggle With Anorexia
Life Hurts: How God Helped This Christian Doctor In Her Struggle With Anorexia

At the age of 14, Lizzie McNaught nearly died of anorexia nervosa – she was hospitalised for five months. Now aged 25, Lizzie is a junior doctor and is passionate about educating people better about eating disorders.

Why This Old Testament Verse Is So Special - It\'s Full Of The Gospel
Why This Old Testament Verse Is So Special - It's Full Of The Gospel

There's one promise in the Old Testament that I believe prefigures the gospel more than any other.

10 Things I\'ve Tried – And Failed – To Give Up For Lent
10 Things I've Tried – And Failed – To Give Up For Lent

The 'sackcloth and ashes' of Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, are a tangible reminder of the inescapable fact spelled out in Genesis - from ashes we come, and to ashes we will return.

Remembering George Herbert: 10 Quotes From The Great Priest And Poet
Remembering George Herbert: 10 Quotes From The Great Priest And Poet

Today is the feast day of the legendary poet and priest George Hebert. Here are 10 of his greatest quotes.

5 Bible Verses To Encourage You When You Feel Like Your Faith Is Backsliding

Backsliding from the faith is a terrible thing. The Bible tells us how sad and awful it would be for us to meet the Lord Jesus, put our faith in Him, and then return to the life that He picked us and saved us from.

3 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Marriage
3 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Marriage

Is your marriage happy? If it is, then I'm happy for you. If not, then trust in God to help you make it a happy, healthy, and God-glorifying marriage. I'd like to help you out by sharing with you three ways to make the most of your marriage relationship with your spouse.

Why We Should Do Battle On Our Knees
Why We Should Do Battle On Our Knees

Your position matters in a fight. Proper positioning will greatly help you see the enemy, avoid his attacks, and take winning steps to be able to achieve victory. We Christians win our fight by kneeling down in prayer before God first.

3 Characteristics Of A Jonathan In Your Life
3 Characteristics Of A Jonathan In Your Life

Jonathan was a remarkable Bible figure in the Old Testament. We all need a Jonathan in our lives. Don't think so? Here are some of his characteristics that make having a friend like him very precious.

3 Ways Christ-Centred Fellowship Helps in Our Daily Walk
3 Ways Christ-Centred Fellowship Helps in Our Daily Walk

Fellowship is an important part of the Christian's life. To encourage you to look for fellow Christ-followers and go with them, here are some benefits that such Christ-centred fellowship brings.

4 Bible Truths That Will Compel Us To Make A Difference Where We Are
4 Bible Truths That Will Compel Us To Make A Difference Where We Are

Here are four Bible truths that will convince us that we can and will most likely make a difference where we are because of our faith.

4 Ways A Generous Heart Makes Us Wealthier In Every Way
4 Ways A Generous Heart Makes Us Wealthier In Every Way

Here are four ways that a generous heart results to greater wealth.

3 Ways Christians Take On The Enemy\'s Role
3 Ways Christians Take On The Enemy's Role

There are a great many Christians who are living their lives the way the enemy wants them to, lives that Christ Jesus would be sad about. "No, I'm a Christian," you might say, but even those who believe in Christ aren't exempted from demonic influence.

3 Bible Verses To Encourage You As You Wait Upon The Lord
3 Bible Verses To Encourage You As You Wait Upon The Lord

Waiting on God is a great thing. To encourage you to wait upon the Lord, here are a few Bible verses that speak of how good it is to wait for Him.

There\'s A Time For Everything – Including These 3 Things
There's A Time For Everything – Including These 3 Things

Everything has its place and time before God. His purpose never goes unfulfilled, and His plans never go undone. He has made all things beautiful in its time, but it does take time: either sooner or later.

3 Things To Stop Worrying About

If we say we have faith that God will come through, we should have no room for worry.

Five Scriptures For When You\'re Feeling Confused
Five Scriptures For When You're Feeling Confused

There are times when we all feel confused and need clarity or comfort. It can be hard to know where to turn. Here are five Bible passages that might make a god start...