
5 Things Christian Parents Should Pray For Their Adult Children
5 Things Christian Parents Should Pray For Their Adult Children

Here are five areas to lift up to God for when praying for your adult children.

Is It Wrong For Christians To Use Credit Cards?
Is It Wrong For Christians To Use Credit Cards?

Is owning a credit card wrong?

Why You Cannot and Should Not Find Your Real Identity Apart From God
Why You Cannot and Should Not Find Your Real Identity Apart From God

The world affects and distorts the identity that we have as children of the Most High God in Christ. We must find ourselves in the Lord.

Four Powerful Words Every Discouraged Christian Needs To Memorise
Four Powerful Words Every Discouraged Christian Needs To Memorise

If you are discouraged, my friend, I want to encourage you. Remember these four words:

5 Things Husbands Need To Tell Their Wives Every Day
5 Things Husbands Need To Tell Their Wives Every Day

In my own married life, I have found five simple statements that can be more than helpful in experiencing the best that marriage can offer when communicated on a regular basis.

4 Tips For Resting During A Busy Day
4 Tips For Resting During A Busy Day

Even in the midst of busy work days, we can rest in God. Sabbath is not just for the end (or start) of the week. Here are four tips to experience God's rest on busy days.

New Planets Have Been Discovered That Could Support Alien Life. Here Are 10 Questions For Christians
New Planets Have Been Discovered That Could Support Alien Life. Here Are 10 Questions For Christians

With the news that seven earth-type planets that could be suitable to sustain organic life have been discovered where does this leave traditional Christian beliefs? Here are 10 questions for Christians to ponder.

To All Who Have Been Abused, Here\'s One For You
To All Who Have Been Abused, Here's One For You

Know for sure, friend, that the abuse you go through doesn't escape our all-knowing God. Nothing escapes His eyes and His ears. He smells the scent of abuse done to you who love Him, and He won't be silent about it.

These Are 5 Qualities That Make A Great Pastor
These Are 5 Qualities That Make A Great Pastor

Your own limitations can sometimes give you an insight into what it takes to be the best – and God's people deserve their pastors to be the best they can possibly be.

When Is Ash Wednesday 2017?
When Is Ash Wednesday 2017?

Ash Wednesday always falls the day after Shrove Tuesday. This year it is on St David's Day, Wednesday March 1.

She Was Looking For Matches To Get High On Heroin – And Instead She Found A Bible And Met Jesus
She Was Looking For Matches To Get High On Heroin – And Instead She Found A Bible And Met Jesus

High on heroin, Debs began to read. 'I had never read the Bible before.' Nine years later, she has her friends, family and job back and most important of all, a living faith in God

How Grace Empowers Us To Change
How Grace Empowers Us To Change

Grace empowers all of us to live the life God wants us to live. Here's how it works.

3 Things Jealousy And Selfish Ambition Bring
3 Things Jealousy And Selfish Ambition Bring

Selfish ambition and jealousy over another's success or prosperity are things that we must never allow in our lives as we follow Christ. Here are some reasons why.

The Danger Of Praying Only For Our Own Needs
The Danger Of Praying Only For Our Own Needs

Not only is it recommended that we pray for one another, but it actually becomes dangerous business when all we worry about is our needs.

3 Times You Should Stay Quiet When You See A Fellow Believer Doing Something Wrong
3 Times You Should Stay Quiet When You See A Fellow Believer Doing Something Wrong

There are times for correction and there are also times that correction is not needed. In times where it is not needed, correction is best not given lest we cause error where there is none.

Will I Really Get A Mansion Of Gold And Pearls In Heaven?
Will I Really Get A Mansion Of Gold And Pearls In Heaven?

When Jesus promised "mansions" for us, did He mean actual structures?