
5 Signs You Need To Let Go And Let God
5 Signs You Need To Let Go And Let God

Sometimes we need to learn to let go and allow God to work in and through our lives. Here are five signs you need to let go and let God.

3 People You Need To Cut Off Ties With
3 People You Need To Cut Off Ties With

There's nothing wrong with cutting off ties with the wrong people in our lives. Parting ways with them will actually free us to give more space for that which really matters: relationships with the people that help us in our walk with God.

One Key Characteristic Christians Should Have Towards Each Other
One Key Characteristic Christians Should Have Towards Each Other

We are called by God to love one another.

One Major Reason Why We Can\'t Get The Most Out Of Our Bibles
One Major Reason Why We Can't Get The Most Out Of Our Bibles

The Bible contains God's commands and instructions for all of us to follow. The problem we have is not just reading the Bible, but in taking it for what it is and doing what it commands us to do.

3 Qualities Single Ladies Should Pray For In A Husband
3 Qualities Single Ladies Should Pray For In A Husband

Marriage is a serious but fun relationship that requires one to pray and think before choosing to commit. Ladies, here are some things you should pray for in a future husband.

How God Puts His Hand In Your Love Story
How God Puts His Hand In Your Love Story

One aspect of our lives where God loves to put His hand on if we would allow Him is the area of courtship. God loves to set people up, for He has plans for every single one of us. He did this with Adam, and wants to do it with us, too.

Is Jesus Your Essential Building Block? Or Is He Your Stumbling Block?
Is Jesus Your Essential Building Block? Or Is He Your Stumbling Block?

Jesus can either be the essential building block on which we construct our lives – or he will be a spiritual stumbling block over which we fall.

A Message To All Single Men For This Valentine\'s Season
A Message To All Single Men For This Valentine's Season

I am writing this article for all the single men hoping to get a date this Feb. 14—the single men hoping to meet the one God gives to them to be their wife, and the single men who have tried to find love and have failed again and again. Know that God has the right one for you.

If I Tell You I\'m Praying For You, Might I Be Lying?
If I Tell You I'm Praying For You, Might I Be Lying?

I've developed a habit of making that encouraging promise. #Praying. But most of the times I tell people I'll be praying for them, I never actually get around to it.

Waiting For The One? What I learned On HTB\'s Dating Course
Waiting For The One? What I learned On HTB's Dating Course

Dating can be hard. Now there's a course all about how to do it better, and Christian Today went to see what its all about.

5 Ways To Know If Our Relationships With People Are Getting In The Way Of Our Relationship With God
5 Ways To Know If Our Relationships With People Are Getting In The Way Of Our Relationship With God

Here are five signs that our relationship may have become a stumbling block to our walk with God.

Can A Christian Do Anything Else Besides Pray For A Leader They Don\'t Like?
Can A Christian Do Anything Else Besides Pray For A Leader They Don't Like?

Whether they're national leaders, pastors, bosses or managers, we won't always agree with what our leaders always stand for, but we know for a fact that God is still working through them. So how are we now to respond?

This Pastor Feeds His Congregation Rat Poison To Show God\'s Power: Is This Biblical?
This Pastor Feeds His Congregation Rat Poison To Show God's Power: Is This Biblical?

What does the Bible say about God's power to heal with rat poison?

My Child Died In My Womb: This Is My Letter Of Thanks To The Doctor Who Told Me
My Child Died In My Womb: This Is My Letter Of Thanks To The Doctor Who Told Me

Yes, I had been told days before my daughter had died, but since then I had endlessly begged God to bring her back to life.

Why A Healthy Marriage Needs More Than Romance And Physical Intimacy
Why A Healthy Marriage Needs More Than Romance And Physical Intimacy

What is there to keep marriages together if not romance or intimacy?

5 Tips For Staying Positive When It Feels Like The World\'s Falling Down Around You
5 Tips For Staying Positive When It Feels Like The World's Falling Down Around You

Here are five tips to keep a positive outlook even though it seems like the world is falling down around you.