
3 Ways To Be Stress-Free Even In The Midst Of A Chaotic Season In Your Life
We all go through chaotic seasons in our life. Thankfully, we can all face these chaotic moments in peace because the Lord Jesus Christ has overcome the world.

4 Subtle Signs That You're Getting Too Comfortable Where You Are Now In Life
When we're too comfortable in life, it's possible that we're missing out on God's good, pleasing and perfect will. Here are four subtle signs that you are getting too comfortable with where you are currently in life.

6 Signs From God To Show That Your Current Job May Not Be The Right One For You
Here are six signs to show that we may not be in the right job that God wants us to be and, therefore, signs for us to listen to what He truly wants from us.

From Forcing Lovers To Marry To Beheading Teddy Bears - The Countries That Hate Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day in the West is a chance for loving couples to exchange cards and chocolates and visit restaurants that mysteriously find they have to double their prices on February 14. But in other countries, couples can play a much higher price.

When Is Shrove Tuesday 2017? Pancake Day Is Approaching
Shrove Tuesday is the day before the first day of Lent, known as Ash Wednesday. This year it falls on February 28.

5 Ways You Can Support Your Church Leader's Marriage
How healthy is your church leader's marriage - assuming they are married? (And why you should care)

To Go To Church, Or To Not Go To Church: 3 Reasons Why Committing To Church Is Important
Here are some reasons why committing to a church family is important.

3 Ways To Shine God's Light â In Your Church
Christ commands us to love our fellow Christian no matter how un-Christ-like they may be â and in so doing we will help our brethren grow while giving glory to Christ who loved us first.

3 Things Single Men Should Do Before Deciding To Marry
You can spare yourself and your future wife from unnecessary hurt and pain by preparing for marriage before it ever comes. Here are some things you need to work on long before saying your vows.

5 Bible Verses To Help Kickstart Your Day Every Day
If you are looking for a reason to have hope and face the day with a smile, the Bible has many reasons for you. Here are some verses that will kick start your day every day.

3 Bible Figures Showing God's Relentless Love
To help you understand the love that God has for you, here are three Bible figures showing His great love.

One Key To Winning The Battle Against The Enemy
Why do Christians still fall prey to the enemy's schemes?

The Biblical Way To Disagree: Dealing With Differences In Opinion
Unity is not the same as uniformity in opinion. Unity is taking all thingsâthe identical and the differentâand treating them as parts of the whole.

5 Ways To Build A Christ-Centred Family
Making Jesus the foundation of your family ensures that you have a successful, joyous and satisfying home. Here are five ways to build a Christ-centred family.

How A Church Is Bringing Light To Its Community In Uganda's Rwenzori Mountains
When one simple action raises money, helps people's lungs, gives children a better chance at an education and introduces people to Jesus as Lord, it's probably worth doing.

How To Deal With Doubt When You Feel Like You Can't Feel God's Power
Trials and challenges are expected, and there's nothing we can do about that. We do, however, have agency over our response to hardship.