Patrick Mabilog

  • What makes a healthy church?

    What makes a healthy church?

    If we truly understand the message of Christ and how He desires for all saints to exist for each other, we will know that healthy relationships will always lead to healthy churches.

  • Why God will still love us even when we aren\'t changed yet

    Why God will still love us even when we aren't changed yet

    Many Christians find themselves often repeating the same sin over and over again even after they surrender it to Jesus. As a result, they may think that God could not possibly love them after they repeatedly humiliate and malign God. But that's not what God says.

  • If love bears all things, do we put up with a person\'s sin?

    If love bears all things, do we put up with a person's sin?

    Looking at the example that Jesus lived out as a leader, He never missed an opportunity to rebuke His followers and disciples, but there was a way that He did it and with a right heart stance as well.

  • How should we respond to unanswered prayer?

    How should we respond to unanswered prayer?

    The life that we live is not our own as the Bible tells us that we have been bought at a high cost -- the blood and life of Jesus Christ. That being said, when we surrender our lives to God, we give Him full ownership of everything that occurs in our lives whether it's what we prayed for or not.

  • God cannot make promises He cannot keep

    God cannot make promises He cannot keep

    Through the process of time, most of us would have received a revelation of God as the promise keeper, and I'm not talking about just knowing scriptures about it, but actually experiencing the faithful promises of God coming through in our lives.

  • How God proves to be our refuge in times of trouble

    How God proves to be our refuge in times of trouble

    When you hear the phrase, "God is my refuge," what automatically comes to mind? Prior to ascending to heaven, Jesus gave us a promise that He would be with us to the very end of the age.

  • Without Jesus we will never qualify for leadership

    Without Jesus we will never qualify for leadership

    There is no greater privilege than to be called into a position of leadership, especially when we respond to a God-given mandate to serve Jesus Christ and serve others through Him. However, there is also nothing that may require more of us than this same call.

  • How to step forward into God\'s calling when you feel like it\'s too big for you

    How to step forward into God's calling when you feel like it's too big for you

    It often feels like God calls us, His followers, into purposes much bigger than ourselves. He does this because our purposes were never meant to be fulfilled on our own. They were meant to be done in partnership with Jesus Christ, who is the author and perfecter of our faith.

  • How does God help me through tough decisions?

    How does God help me through tough decisions?

    There are so many benefits that Jesus Christ has made available to us that we do not know of. Because we now have a mediator in Him, we can now freely enter God's presence and commune with Him and gain access to his love, favor, blessings and wisdom.

  • 8 scriptures that will help you fight struggles and temptation

    8 scriptures that will help you fight struggles and temptation

    Temptation is everywhere, and it doesn't take much to lure the heart into sin and disobedience. However, God promises that He can provide us with the grace to say no to temptations and to choose a life that honors God through Jesus Christ.

  • 5 ways to respond to an attendance plateau in your church

    5 ways to respond to an attendance plateau in your church

    Because Jesus has built the church -- both universal and local -- we can be assured that a church planted firmly on the cornerstone that is Christ will grow both in quality and quantity.

  • When arrogance blocks the grace of God

    When arrogance blocks the grace of God

    There is nothing more empowering than the grace of God. Through Jesus, we have unlimited access to this grace, but only when we have hearts that fully accept that without God we can accomplish nothing to its fullest capacity.