Patrick Mabilog
Does loving your neighbour feel more like a chore than a privilege?
Loving your neighbour can often feel more like a chore than a privilege especially when those people do everything except earn our love, but to understand the tenet of the grace of God made available through Jesus Christ will always point to loving the most unlovable people because that's all God has ever done.
Grasping hold of forgiveness: Believing in the God who covers a multitude of sin
There is no sin that is too great for God's love and through Jesus Christ and His work on the cross, we have the assurance that all our mistakes and failures can be washed out of our lives if we believe that God's sanctifying work is more than enough for us.
What's the best age to get married?
Understanding a Christ-ordained view of marriage will tell us that while some age ranges are best, the season of marriage is most best determined according to Jesus' specific calling for a person.
Will you choose your will or God's will?
Though it may seem difficult and almost impossible even to follow God's will, through Jesus Christ and the empowering of the Holy Spirit, we can live lives that God desires for us
5 ways you can use your Facebook account to share your faith with your friends
A Christian was meant to be a light wherever He sets foot, whether he or she is at home, at work, in the mall, at the gym or in school. But does our identity as Christians change when we are not physically present in a space?
Your needs versus Kingdom needs: understanding the sacrifice at the heart of truly Christian leadership
Leadership may sound glamorous and rewarding, but it must always be seen first and foremost as an opportunity to serve before it is ever an opportunity to be served.
What does Biblical manhood look like?
God's perfect image of manhood has been completely distorted today by the world, but God is on the move to restore man's identity and purpose in the world through the redemptive work of Christ.
The milestone every Christian must pass on their way to wholeness in God
Everyone knows what it's like to be in lack because we've all experienced it before. However, we must never misunderstand our incompleteness as being something that God desires for His followers. Through Christ, God makes complete wholeness available and His ultimate end goal is for you to experience that wholeness in every way.
The church can feed you spiritually but are you also doing enough to feed yourself?
More than ever, the church of God needs the empowering of the Holy Spirit through the revelation of Christ, but to limit the channeling of God's power to preaching and corporate worship is a big misconception.
Winning over doubt: how to be sure of your salvation
Have you ever wondered if you are truly saved? Can you confidently say that if you were to meet God today that you would be welcomed into His presence?
Longing for success? Why it's important you submit your talents to God first
Success is something that everyone desires at some point and we know that to be successful, we need to maximise our gifts and talents. Many people think that self-effort in developing skills is all we need, but when we learn that our gifts come from Jesus and that He can maximise them even more for us, we gain greater success.
Am I praying 'right'?
In all circumstances, we must know that our prayers are heard primarily because Jesus has made a way for us to the Father. That truth is the foundational basis upon which we pray.