Patrick Mabilog

  • 8 keys to a more Spirit-empowered church service

    8 keys to a more Spirit-empowered church service

    There is a very strong co-relation between church growth and the move of the Holy Spirit. A church that magnifies Christ and allows God's Spirit to move in church services, church discipleship, evangelism, fellowship and every other church activity there is will organically grow in quality and quantity.

  • 8 scriptures on how God makes us holy

    8 scriptures on how God makes us holy

    We can never overemphasise the holiness of the God we serve, and we see this best in what He has done to make us holy. It was for holiness' sake that Jesus lovingly laid down His life so that we could approach freely a God who cannot co-exist with sin.

  • If God is able to make time for rest, why can\'t you?

    If God is able to make time for rest, why can't you?

    Many people think that all Jesus does is invite Christians to do His work and get busy reaching the lost, feeding the crowds, planting churches, doing business, and taking care of our families. However, more often than not, Jesus invites us to rest in Him.

  • A lesson in humility: serving the God who was born in a manger

    A lesson in humility: serving the God who was born in a manger

    All throughout scripture, even from the Old Testament, we see the picture of a loving God who receives a broken people who constantly sin against Him. Moreover, our God is portrayed as the humble servant that came down to earth as man to become the sacrifice of our sins so that many would be saved.

  • Why discipleship is an important part of a healthy church

    Why discipleship is an important part of a healthy church

    Jesus, in His three years of ministry, spent a reasonable amount of time ministering to the crowds but always made sure that He never left out time to train, equip and empower twelve disciples. From the way Jesus did ministry, we see that discipleship is vital to seeing God's kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

  • Moving on: how to let Jesus conquer the hurts of your past

    Moving on: how to let Jesus conquer the hurts of your past

    Many people struggle with moving on from a haunting past that often feels impossible to run away from. If that describes you then know that God has provided the ultimate way out of a shady past through Jesus Christ.

  • How we can discern sermons that lead believers astray

    How we can discern sermons that lead believers astray

    We live in a world where there is access to more preaching than ever before, but to say that all preaching leads people to Christ would be unrealistic. There are many preachings today that do not lead people to Christ but away from Him. How can we spot sermons and preaching that lead us astray from Christ?

  • 5 ways to react to persecution in the home

    5 ways to react to persecution in the home

    Jesus spoke bluntly about the cost of following Him because He knew that becoming a believer in His Word and His work would result to losses on our part. Because we follow Christ, we open ourselves up to persecution and sometimes it can hit much closer to home or even home itself.

  • Why we can never take repentance out of Christianity

    Why we can never take repentance out of Christianity

    The power behind the message of Jesus Christ is one that brings forth a sanctification and an inclination to good works. While we do not work to receive Jesus' redemption, good works will always come as a fruit of a revelation of Jesus Christ.

  • Can God accept me despite what I\'ve done in the past?

    Can God accept me despite what I've done in the past?

    Often times it can feel that God cannot accept us because of what we've done in the past and who we have become. However, the Bible makes it clear to us that because of what Christ has done for us on the cross, we are now accepted not just as slaves but as sons and daughters.

  • Christian parenting: 5 tough parenting decisions that will actually make your kids better

    Christian parenting: 5 tough parenting decisions that will actually make your kids better

    Watching a child go through the harshness of life can be painful and almost unbearable. But we serve a God who knows what that is like given He Himself had to watch His own Son go through the harshness that this broken world has to offer.

  • Should Christians be \'nicer?\'

    Should Christians be 'nicer?'

    The God we serve is a God of love. When we receive a full revelation of the love lavished to us through Jesus Christ, we will - in response to this love- act in love towards others. The Bible even tells us that God's perfect love is what enables us to even love our enemies.