Patrick Mabilog
How to win back a person who was hurt by the church
A church community can be a blessing as well as a burden at times. Although Jesus meant for the body to be a vibrant and radiant bride that would be stronger than the powers of hell itself, we cannot discount the fact that the church is composed of imperfect, hurt and offensive people.
Finding comfort in Christ when you're being persecuted
God never promised that Christianity will be easy and that you will be accepted by all people for your faith, but He does promise that through Jesus Christ we can be more than conquerors through His power and grace.
5 biblical examples that mothers can imitate
Mothers are a blessing from God and so is motherhood. Through God's grace, women can experience the beauty of being a mother to her children. While there are responsibilities attached to it, motherhood is in its entirety a privilege given.
Do worship service programs really limit the move of the Holy Spirit?
God desires for churches to be a place that welcomes both believers and pre-believers. But are modern churches today sacrificing the move of the Holy Spirit and the revelation of Jesus Christ by keeping worship services as seeker-friendly as possible?
Why tithing shouldn't be an issue if you really understand God's grace
Many Christians believe that because we are now under the new covenant, tithing is no longer a practice that makes any sense. However, the gospel -- moreover, the message of Jesus -- is not an excuse that exempts us from the need to give, but a revolution that gave us the liberty and capacity to give freely.
Is your pursuit of success affecting your relationship with God?
God desires for all His followers to be successful in the workplace, in family, in relationships and in life. But true success can only be found in allowing Jesus Christ to win battles for you. Success garnered in any other way will fall short.
5 signs your devotions aren't healthy
At the same moment that Jesus conquered sin through His death, God tore the veil in the temple that separated the common courts from God's presence. This was done as a sign that we now have free access to His courts.
What is the biggest enemy of faith?
The number one way to lose faith is not to face trial because this actually builds faith. The number one way to lose faith is to live in comfort and complacency.
Why it is important for pastors to preach about sin and hell
There is no news more important than the good news of the gospel we profess. We must preach Jesus, His grace and His finished work. But can this gospel ever be complete without a proper and sufficient dose of teaching on hell and sin?
Does it make a difference if Christians don't act in love?
Radically changing the way Christian living was done, Jesus gave us the ultimatum as His followers to act in love every single time we possibly can.
7 verses that promise freedom from bitterness
Many people look at Christianity and see it as the journey of man to get closer to God. If this is our mindset then we miss the point completely because Christianity is about the journey and pains of our loving and righteous Lord, Jesus Christ, to get closer to man.
5 unique pressures a pastor faces
The call to ministry seems to always have a certain pressure that feels unique to vocational ministers. Nonetheless, as full-time ministry workers, we can be assured that Jesus Christ has already completed the victory both in our lives and in our professions.